Chapter 8

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I apologize in advance 🫣


October first is always Threshing.

Monday, Wednesday, or Sunday, it doesn't matter where it falls any given year. On the first of October, the first-year cadets of the rider's quadrant enter the bowl-shaped forested valley to the southwest of the citadel and pray they come out alive.

We won't die today.

A sword is strapped to Rhiannon's back, the hilt jostling against her spine as she bounces, stretching her arms across her chest one at a time.

"Remember to listen here," Professor Kaori says from in front of the 147 of us here, tapping his chest. "If a dragon has already selected you, they'll be calling." He thumps his chest again. "So pay attention to not just your surroundings but your feelings, and go with them." He grimaces. "And if your feelings are telling you to go in the other direction...listen to that, too."

"Which ones are you going for?" Rhi asks me and Vi quietly.

"I don't know." I say quietly and Violet parrots me.

"You memorized the cards, right?" She asks, lifting her brows. "So you know what's out there?"

"Yes. I just don't feel connected to any of them." Vi says, shaking her head. "Dain tried talking me into a brown."

"Dani lost his vote when he tried talking you into leaving." I counter.

"What about you, Rhi?"

She grins. "I'm thinking about that green. The one closest to me when they got all up all close and personal with Ki."

"Ki?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

She shrugs. "I want to have a special nickname for you."

I smile. "The green."

"They didn't eat you so I think that's a promising start." Vi encourages.

"Yeah." She links arms with us, and I focus back on what Professor Kaori is telling us.

"If you go in groups, you're more likely to be incinerated than bonded," Professor Kaori argues with someone near the center of the valley. "The scribes have run statistics. You're better off on your own."

"And what if we aren't chosen by dinner?" A man with a short beard to my left asks.

"If you're not chosen by nightfall, there's a problem." Professor Kaori responds, his thick mustache turned down at the ends. "You'll be brought out by a professor or senior leadership, so don't give up and think we've forgotten about you." He checks his pocket watch. "Remember to spread out and use every foot of this valley to your advantage. It's nine, which means they should be flying in any minute now. The only other words I have for you are 'good luck.'" He nods, sweeping his gaze over the crowd of us with such intensity that I know he'll be able to recreate this moment in a projection.

Then he leaves, marching up the hill to our right and disappearing into the trees.

"Be careful." Rhi pulls me and Violet into a group hug, her braids swinging over my shoulder as she tightens her arms around us.

"You too." I squeeze them back and am immediately swept into another pair of arms.

"Don't die." Ridoc orders.

That's our only goal as what's left of our squad separates, each heading in our own direction like we've been flung apart by centrifugal motion, at the mercy of a spinning wheel.


Guessing by the position of the sun, it's been at least a couple hours since the dragons flew overhead, landing in the valley in a succession that sounded like thunder and making the earth shake.

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