Chapter 13

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I stormed my way up to the mikaelsons mansion and banged on the door. Klaus opened the door.

"What can I do for you little witch?" Klaus asked leaning the door. I held up the text he sent me.

"What did you want?" I asked. "I happen to be planning someone's death right now and I don't need the extra distractions." I said putting my hands on my hips. Klaus raised an eyebrow at me with slight shock though he tried to cover it up.

"I need you to do a spell." Klaus said standing straight.

"Of course you do." I said shaking my head at him. "Find someone's else I'm done being to person everyone comes too to fix things. I have better things to do than babysit everyone." I said turning around. Truthfully I had know idea why I had come to his house in the beginning.

"Well technically it's your problem seeing as it was you who let my mother use your blood line." Klaus said.

"She's your mother just because she wanted you dead wasn't my problem. I didn't want to use my blood line but I gave in because I was tired from getting her out of the coffin you put her in!" I said pointing at him. "I'm not in the mood to deal with anyone. Anyone. That means vampires, werewolves, witches and just plain" I said opening the door to my car. "Fine another witch. I don't care." I said climbing in. Klaus stood in front of my car so I couldn't get out.

"Come on little witch." Klaus said. "One spell?" He asked.

"I will run you over." I said out the window and revved the engine. "You have three seconds." I stated. "One."

Klaus raised his hands out in surrender.

"One spell." Klaus said raising one finger.

"Two." I said. shifting gears.

"Please!" Klaus said making my stop what I was doing. did he just say...Please?  I asked myself looking at him.

"What's the spell?" I asked rubbing my temples.

"An unbinding spell." Klaus said lowering his arms. I sighed.

"Fine." I said turning off my car and climbing out. I walked past Klaus as he opened the door for me. I turned the corner to be face to face with Kol.

"knew you couldn't stay away." Kol said cockily.

"Actually I could. It would have been very easy. you're the stalker not me." I said walking past him but he only took this chance to stand be hind me. Very close behind me.

Klaus cleared his throat to get are attention. I turned to him. I looked down at the table to see he already set it all up. I sighed and walked over to the table. A grimore was open on the table to the unbinding spell.  I sat down and started to chant.

I cut my palm and held it over the bowl sitting in the middle of the table.

~~~~~~~~time skip.

When I was done I stood up and turned to Klaus.

"It's done." I said walking to the door.

"Want to get away from me that badly?" Kol asked with a smirk as he appeared in front of me.

"I don't have time for this. I have to check on my mother, And plan the death of a very annoying Salvatore. Now if you don't mind...move." I said trying to push him the side but he stood there as I was a feather in comparison. I most likely was.

"That can wait." Kol said as he walked closer to me as I in turn took a step back.

"Kol." I said warningly. 

"Bonnie." Kol said taking another step.

"Stop." I said taking another step back.

Kol stepped forward and I was up against the wall.

"Kol, I'm serious. Stop." I said. I wouldn't show it, but I was scared. No, I was terrified. My brain was screaming at me to run, run and never look back. While my body was already responding to him.

I shock my head as kol leaned over me putting his arms on either side of me. I took a chance and ran under his arm. I didn't get very far as Kol appeared in front of me again with an amused look on his face.

"I didn't know Miss. Bennett ran from anything." Kol said.

"She does when there is a 1000 year old vampire after her." I said. Kol chuckled. He was about to say more when my phone rang and I swear I could kiss the person as they called at the perfect time. I pulled out my phone and looked down to see it was...

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