Untitled Part 11

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In the wake of the alliance between Silver Phoenix and Mermaid Heel, the newly formed guild, aptly named Silver Mermaid, began preparations for the Grand Magic Games. The air buzzed with excitement as guild members eagerly discussed who would represent them in the prestigious competition.

Ember and Milliana, now co-leaders of Silver Mermaid, gathered the guild members in the newly renovated guild hall. The atmosphere was a mix of camaraderie and anticipation as they announced the selection process for the Grand Magic Games team.

"After careful consideration, we've decided on a fair and challenging way to choose our representatives," Ember announced, her fiery gaze sweeping across the guild. "We'll hold an internal tournament. The top five mages will form our team for the Grand Magic Games."

The guild members, fueled by the prospect of showcasing their strengths on such a grand stage, eagerly embraced the idea. The tournament unfolded in the spirit of friendly competition, with mages from both the original Silver Phoenix and Mermaid Heel displaying their unique abilities.

As the battles unfolded, five mages emerged as the victors, their skills and teamwork proving to be the most formidable. The chosen representatives of Silver Mermaid were a diverse group, each bringing their own magic and strengths to the table.

Ember (Natsu): The co-leader of Silver Mermaid and master of fire magic, Ember's indomitable spirit and powerful flames made her an obvious choice. Her reputation as the former Flame Princess and her role in rebuilding Silver Phoenix showcased her leadership and strength.

Milliana: As the other co-leader, Milliana's mastery of magical weapons and combat skills made her an essential part of the team. Her loyalty and determination added a crucial dynamic to Silver Mermaid's lineup.

Luna (Celestial Mage): A mage skilled in celestial magic, Luna summoned powerful celestial spirits to aid her in battle. Her versatility and strategic thinking earned her a spot on the team.

Gale (Wind Mage): Known for his mastery over the element of wind, Gale's speed and agility were unmatched. His ability to manipulate the air around him made him a formidable opponent.

Cascade (Water Mage): A mage with the power to control water, Cascade's fluid and dynamic magic complemented the diverse skill set of the team. Her ability to adapt to different situations made her a valuable asset.

The chosen team, a harmonious blend of fire, celestial, wind, and water magic, stood united as Silver Mermaid's representatives for the Grand Magic Games. As they prepared to face other guilds from across Fiore, the flames of unity burned brightly within Silver Mermaid, and the anticipation for the upcoming competition filled the guild hall with excitement. The story of Silver Mermaid, born from the ashes of two legendary guilds, was ready to unfold on the grand stage of the Grand Magic Games.

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