Chapter 17

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No one's POV:

About a week has past, since Y/N woke up, and everyone gave her a warm welcome back.

For the past few days, they haven't had an adventure, but instead, they played card and board games together.

They even made a rule that the winner of the previous game day is allowed to choose the first game for the next game day.

But although of that, Y/N couldn't stop thinking about the weird dream she had for the past 4 months, where she was unconscious.

Dream Flashback:

Y/N's POV:

I was in a dark house that I didn't recognise and saw flashing lights from outside.

I left the room I was in and looked at the scene in front of me.

A group of girls were all emotional, talking to police officers about something I couldn't really make out, since I didn't wanna be seen, but little did I know, that they couldn't see me.

'What an odd dream to have...'


- End of flashback -

No one's POV:

Y/N was hanging upside down from a block that was placed in the main tent and was just staring at the ceiling.

Suddenly, two purple ears were dangling over her face.

"Hey, Y/N~" Jax said. "What's hanging?" He chuckled, leaning down, his ears dropping on his face.

Y/N was trying to get his ears out of her face, but he prevents her from doing so.

She gave fell from the block and gave him an annoyed expression.

"Are you annoying because you are bored, or are you just wanting my attention?"

He just shrugged.

"You just look adorable when you are annoyed." He winked at her.

She slightly blushed

She sighed and got up from the ground, but fell again, as her footing was swiped away from the ground, and jax catched her.

"Seriously?" She raised a brow at him.

He laughed at her expression.

"What? Can't have you falling~"

"Well, too late, cause I did, when you were dangling your ears in my face -"

There was silence between those two before they both laughed for who knows what reason.

Jax then placed Y/N back onto her feet.

"How about we go for a walk outside, Princess?" She looked at him

"Sure.. but don't call me that." He chuckled

"Whatever you say, darling~"

Y/N's POV:

Jax and I left the tent and went for a walk around the lake in silence, and we saw the sun setting, so we climbed up a hill to watch the sun set.

We sat down next to one another and stared into the distance, and without us knowing, our hands intervened.

It was nice and relaxing sitting here... with him..

I noticed a gaze on me, so I turned to see that the one who was looking at me was Jax.

The sun was setting still, and the beautiful colours reflected in his eyes.

I was about to say something, but he placed a finger on my lips.

I looked at him, and I felt his finger trace my lips and his gaze, wondering down to my lips as well.

A slight hue of red appeared on my cheeks.

I knew where this was going, but still, I was shocked when he asked me.

"May I?" He spoke in a calm voice, not the one he usually would talk in.

I didn't know how to respond, so I slightly nodded, and before I knew it, our lips met.

I closed my eyes and leaned into the kiss.

It was sweet and passionate, and it felt like time froze, and I forgot everything that was happening around us.

After a sweet shared kiss, we parted, and he hugged me.

"I'm glad that you are back and well.." he paused and looked at me, placing a hand on my face.

I looked at him, a slight red blush covering my face.

What he said next took me by surprise.


"I love you.."


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