Chapter 3

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"...What the hell did you do to my garden?!"

After the Oni confessed to his actions, you immediately stepped outside and looked at all the damage that had been done.

Many of your plants and crops were smushed into the ground, the fertilizer spilled all over, and vines thrown everywhere.

Your mouth fell agape as your heart shattered into a million pieces.

"I-I didn't mean to! There was a cat that attacked me, and I was trying to get away from it!"

The Oni hunched over, looking at the heartbreak on your face.

You rushed over to a portion of your crops, pulling up the broken vines, staring in disbelief.

"I-It's not so bad! You know, you can just get some tape, pull them back up, and..."

Your angry gaze turned to him, making him swallow harshly. You stood up, balling your fist.

"Do you know how long it took me to grow all of this?!" You punched his chest again, making him flinch and move back.


"This garden is my life!"

You punched his arm, making him grab your wrist in response.


"I worked years taking care of them!"

"I'm s—"

You pulled your hands over his horns, making him yelp.

Shaking his head back and forth violently, he grabbed both of your wrists and pushed you back.

Your hood fell down off your head without you noticing.

"How the hell am I supposed to just 'fix' this, huh?!"

The Oni remained silent. You panted, looking back at his eyes.

You noticed that he was instead, looking at your head.

His mouth slightly fell open, as he seemed to stare in awe.

"...You're a Blue Oni..."

You huffed, giving him a slap to the face. He released his grip on you, rubbing on his cheek.

"You're paying me to fix all of this!" You shouted, crossing your arms.

He looked back at you, still admiring your horns.

"Another Blue Oni..." He mumbled, his cheek turning red from your slap.

You grit your teeth, stomping on the ground. "Are you even listening to me?!"

He blinked, shaking his head. "R-Right! Of course, I'll pay you back every mora to fix your garden!"

You frowned, feeling like his statement was a lie. "...That's not good enough!"

"I'll pay you double...?" He scratched his head.

"Do you know the amount of time and labor I'll have to go through just to get my garden back to how it was before you showed up?!" You shouted.

He rubbed the bottom of his horns, nodding his head. "I'll help you out! That way, the process is twice as fast!"

"Hell no!" You protested. "You're nothing but trouble!"

"Hey, I'm not that bad... besides, agriculture is kinda boring anyways. You should—"

You shot him a seething look, making him shut his mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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