The Start of It All

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Alarms were blaring across a control deck with many of its operative running around trying to ascertain what was happening with one of the analysts looking at the signal in alarmed.

"We have confirmed Honkai Reading! Numerous signals detected. The attacks is currently taking place at Singapore within its capital city! Captain, what are your orders?"

A woman appearing in her early to mid-20s was seen overlooking the activity around the deck. She has white hair and violet eyes and was wearing a sleeveless white vest, black short skirt with a gold lining and a black sleeved cape with red interior. This was Elizabeth McMillan, Captain of the Hyperion Vigilant, one of the famous Battleship class vehicles own by the Organization simply known as Schicksal. This impressive behemoth was one of the larger variants at a length of almost a kilometer long. And hold over a thousand crew members.

"How far are we from the nearest coast?"

It was supposed to be like any other day for the crew of the Hyperion who with the advance floating fortress to patrol the nearby area to determined possible Honkai activity that would occur across the globe but this time there was no warning. No reading whatsoever. By the time it had happened, a whole city was under attacked and from the looks of things, Captain McMillan was sure that helped wouldn't make it on time until a significant portion of the population suffered tremendous number of casualties. Something they should have prevented. And her prediction was sadly proven true.

"We will be arriving ETA 20 minutes tops if we push the reactors to its limit."

One of the operators said which may not mean much but everyone in the ship were all made aware what sort of devastation this anomalous force of nature can inflict once they start their momentum of destruction and carnage.

"Try and take us as close as you can. In the meantime, inform the Valkyries to suit up and be ready to deploy once they are given the go ahead. While you're at it, tell the engineers to ready up the pilots for deployments. And give the words to Lieutenant Sato to ready up Force Company for ground assaults."

Meanwhile in the main hull of the ship, activities were high. All personals were scrambling to do their duties. Engineers were prepping the Aerial Assault Type 40 Kriegs Messer aka the War Knife, developed recently by the R&D Department; it was meant to replace the Type 39 Großes Messer (Great Knife). This state-of-the-art fighter jets was meant to supplement long range and aerial combat. Outfitted with the latest weaponry humanity can muster, they were a beast in the sky and miraculously was even able to performed low- to zero-gravity conditions.

A few people at the flight decks called Marshallers, gave signals to all ready to deployed War Knifes as the jet fire up their engines. Near the hangar bay, a group of people were suiting up with various state of the art gears in their person. Some equipped themselves with melee weapons, other with long range ones. This were Valkyries, one of the greatest defenders of humanity and as the named suggested, they were all women. For as long as some can remember, only women born with a special genome encoded in their DNA possesses a unique resistant to a phenomenon simply called Honkai Radiation. Naturally, the strength of such resistant varies from individuals. Some have higher ones to the point of being basically immune to said radiation but this are a tale for another time.

"Time to get the show on the road," Asahina said. "You good to go, Flare?"

"Yep," Flare said as she ready up her Warhammer, she dubbed Colossus, that she easily lifted up with one handed and place it on her back with a magnet install in her Battle suit.

"What about you, Lt? Are your men ready?"

"Affirmative," came the reply. With military precision and discipline, Force Company loaded up onto the drop pods that would deploy them from the Vigilant to the surface.

Shattered Impact Part 1Where stories live. Discover now