let's get started

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Yoongis pov:

I walked to my room grabbing a few blades

"You think you're so cool Kim namjoon... Jokes on you.. you're so fucked." I chuckled and loaded my gun.

"Chan!" I called and he walked in the room

"What is it yoongi?"

"We're heading out."

"Oh uh ok" I grabbed my bag of weapons and left the room

"Han I need you to do me a favor"

"Which is?"

"Hack the police coms and make sure they can't hear anything coming from the house."

"Won't they think that's suspicious?"

"You're right.. well can you cut all communication between them" han nodded

"Thank you. Changbin I want you to come with us as felix and han stay here"

"What no I'm not letting changbin go without me" han stood up and put his arm around changbins arm

"I need you and Felix to look for Jimin"

"I'll be ok han I'll have the others with me if I need backup" changbin reassured han and kissed his head

"Fine.. but I'm watching the cameras and you're all going to have a headset"

"Deal" I agreed Han gave us all a hidden headset. Han backed up and started talking in it

"Can you all hear me?" Me and changbin nodded

"Loud and clear" bang chan smiled and I picked up my bag again.

" Changbin get into your uniform."

"Yes sir"  he went into the bathroom then changed into his disguise. Honestly changbin is the best spy I've ever seen. He's so good at what he does. I need to applaud him. Right now isn't the right time tho.

"When were almost there I'll tell you. Then you hack the cameras and cut all communications to the police station" I looked at han and he nodded

"Got it" me Chan and changbin made our way out and to the house.

"Cut them off now." I demand and hand mumbled something.

"There they're off"

"Thank you baby" changbin smiled and I slightly cringed. Changbins going in first to destract the other officers while me and bang chan snuck around back. Chan grabbed a rag from his pocket and shoved it in an officers mouth pulling him to the ground.

"Hope you don't need these" chan grabbed the gun and Taser. I threw a knife into the back of another officers head which made them scream.

"Looks like we're going in loud~" I tossed my bag on the ground and grabbed a few guns Two nine mil

"Get whatever you need chan let's have some fun!" I fired a few shots into some of the officers. 3 fell down and chan ran over slicing their throats so they died quickly.

"get Inside!" One of the officers yelled and changbin ran inside. You're a lot smarter than I thought changbin. After about 20 minutes of the fight we finally killed everyone. When I made my way inside I saw changbin with a gun to namjoons head

"Say the word and I'll do it"

"Heel hold your fire" he moved his gun and y/n looked terrified

"My sweet sweet little y/n.." 

"Stay away from us!!"

"I told you not to run. And here you are.. running away with my best friend. "

"share her"  yoongi x namjoon x reader Where stories live. Discover now