How I started love Gloria's veggie food

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As a kid I've always dreamt to be a chef. My grandpa was an extraordinary cook who loved doing cookies and sweets for everyone, even neighbors who were just acquaintances.

I'm an awful cooker, though. I can't even do a pasta without burning the kitchen down. No kidding. So, I end up to be a journalist who write about food, like a Food Critic!

A day I found a paper ad which said like "Gloria won the first price of Autumn Food Festival 2023 in NYC with a simply tomato soup! Her restaurant's near Downtown...". Next, I started doing some researches on her.

"It was claimed that a green chef had won the annual local food festival in NYC - a local magazine claimed. 

That's the reason why I went to Gloria's Global Salad Bar - she made it despite of her inexperience.

Although I do not enjoy vegan meals, I have to admit that the tomato soup I tried out was delicious and worth the first price. Gloria's is a small restaurant in Downtown where you can easily pick up a healthy meal on a wide range of options.

The place is almost always flocked due to its location between the University College where I used to studying journalism and a bus station. I would recommend to everybody to give it a shot, even though I found out that the music was rather loud as much as the staff was friendly and helpful - I mean if you can hear them.

In conclusion, I'm glad that I gave it a try because it turned out as a good spot to eat up unique veggie meals and hang out with friends staying close to the College.

If you are a vegan person, you'll love it!"

What do you think about my first Food Critic review? :D

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