Chapter 2A: Preparations For A Performance

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Crow hadn't danced to Lucy's singing and playing since she had been reaped, and although it hadn't been too long, it had felt like an eternity. Waiting to see your sister's death sentence come to fruition wasn't exactly the easiest thing to do and it had made Crow feel as though they were aging far faster than they really were. Tonight was going to be the most fun Crow had had since Lucy left.
"Lucy! Lucy Gray!!"
Crow called out from their room.
"I can't find my dancing skirt, do you know where it is?"
Crow was slowly becoming agitated. They hadn't been able to dance and play guitar at the same time in Lucy's absence and hadn't worn their dance skirt since the last time Lucy performed with them. They usually danced while Lucy sang, occasionally harmonizing with her while they twirled and leapt.
"Did you check in my closet? Remember I borrowed it one day for one of my little dates after our show?"
"Oh. Right."
That day seemed like a life time ago to Crow, but nonetheless they went to Lucy's room. As predicted her old wooden wardrobe had the familiar white, teal, and violet colored skirt. It was bright, full of ruffles, and when Crow spun it flew up revealing their little beige bloomers underneath.
"Found it!"
Crow chirped happily, their excitement immediately restored by finding their skirt.
"Good, good!"
Lucy entered her room, feathers in hand.
"I'd hate for you to have to go out onstage and dance looking all drab and gray!"
She chuckled at her own joke.
"That's rich coming from you Lucy Gray"
Crow giggled, emphasizing the 'Gray' in her name, before following Lucy to her bed.
Lucy handed Crow the colorful feathers she had in her hands. Silently Crow began to braid the feathers into Lucy's hair. This was a pre-show ritual that the two often shared. Their mother had taught Lucy how to braid feathers into Crow's hair before she passed away, and Lucy had then taught Crow how to braid feathers into her hair. It was a tradition the two shared. A treasured memory of their mother, faded, well-loved, and worn.
      "I miss him."
Lucy muttered under her breath, barely louder than a whisper.
      "Who? Billy Taupe?"
Crow's mouth twisted, spitting out the name of the boy who had broken her sister's heart.
      "Ew! No you silly goose! Not him."
Lucy gasped dramatically, turning around to playfully bonk Crow's head with the palm of her hand.
      "Coriolanus. My mentor. That's who I miss."
      "Why would you miss him? Do you mean to say that you miss the Hunger Games too? You miss being in the arena?"
Crow let out a strained, incredulous laugh at the idea. Lucy's expression hardened and she turned back around, allowing Crow to finish braiding the feathers into her hair.
      "No. I don't miss the arena. I just miss him."
Lucy Gray's voice came out quiet, hurt and angry.
      "I just miss him."
She repeated, more to herself than to Crow. Rather than further dampen the mood Crow opted to change the topic.
      "I'm done with your hair! You look like the prettiest little songbird I've ever seen!"
Crow turned Lucy towards the mirror, allowing her to look at herself.
      "Awe. Thank you, Crow. You sure have gotten good at this."
Lucy admired her reflection for a moment longer before conjuring a long, black feather, seemingly out of nowhere. With a smile Lucy leaned over and fastened the feather in the center of Crow's messy updo.
      "There we go, a feather for you too."
She smiled satisfactorily and got up to leave.
      "Well aren't you coming?"
She asked after a moment, watching the stunned Crow look at their reflection for a moment longer before they stood up, pulled on their dancing skirt which had been on the bed next to them, and reached out to grab Lucy's hand.
      "Don't worry, I'm coming with you. It's time to put on a show!"
Crow grinned, allowing their sister to lead them out of the house and towards the performance.

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