|| Chapter 1 : Rebirth ||

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|| Chapter 1: Rebirth ||

3rd Person's POV

It was silent.

So silent that she could only hear her own heartbeat.

She felt like she was floating in the air as if there was no gravity.

It was peaceful. She didn't feel the grief , anger , sadness and regret that was eating her up from the inside as she always did . She didn't want to wake up.

There wasn't any day or night in this void . Just some endless books and  scrolls . She didn't know how long she's spent in this place before one day , a cold and mechanical voice rang in her head .

[ Conditions have been met . Now activating the system.... ]

When she reopened her eyes , she saw a young and beautiful face looking back at her . Ah...so it was her reflection.

Her silky and shiny hair cascaded down to her waist as her downcast eyelashes fluttered softly. Further down is a perfectly angled chin and supple cherry red lips. It was just unfortunate because her beautiful face was covered with an ugly fringe.

Francine closed the faucet and lifted her head slowly, revealing a pair of cold and indifferent eyes.

[ Welcome back , Mistress ! ]

" Yes , I'm finally back aren't I ? " Francine took out a paper towel and wiped her fingers one by one . Her voice somehow carried the air of indifference, not suiting for her age .

The system turned into a form of a cat and laid on the floor lazily.

[ Mistress , are you going to unlock your mission? ]

Francine nodded .

" Yes ."

[ Ding ! Successfully unlocked random mission . Successfully unlocked daily mission. Successfully unlocked hidden mission. Successfully unlocked level 0 system ! Congratulations, Mistress! ]

Francine kicked off her slippers and grabbed the towel then took a shower. After she's done, she looked at the mirror at the thin , weak and malnourished girl who had a long fringe covering her eyes and gave herself a mocking smile . She lifted her hair , revealing a slightly tanned delicate and beautiful face.

More than anything , Kendra hated the fact that Francine was prettier than her . Francine could clearly recall a time back when she was 12 years old , Kendra came to her and complained .

" Little sister , everyone says you're more prettier than me . Big sister is unhappy."

At that time , Francine really loved her elder sister and couldn't stand it when she was unhappy. To keep her elder sister happy, she hid her gorgeous face under the ugly fringe , this lasted for four years .

During Francine's childhood , her father did not come to see her even once . Her mother died because of childbirth. Her father didn't care for her , so Francine lived with her grandparents until she was ten . Her grandparents got into an accident and went missing . Because of this , her father didn't have a choice but to take her in .

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