Bonus Chapter

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Sam visited me every day of my recovery. It was a surprise I welcomed with open arms, considering I thought she'd end up hating me.

I don't know if it was the fact that her adoptive mother was shitty to her and Tara after finding out she told Tara the truth, or just the trauma from what happened, but she wasn't angry anymore. She seemed happy to have me in her life.

She even started calling me mom.

When Tara defended Sam, Christina cut her off as well, leaving her motherless. Although hesitant at first, she let me take her in. I became the mother she no longer had. So when Tara and her friends got into college in New York, I moved there with them.

"Can you tell me more about him? I'm- I'm ready to hear it." Sam sighed as she sat down across from me.

"What would you like to know?" I gave her a slight smile as I pulled my throw blanket over me. It was a chilly day for August.

"Was he always a terrible person? What happened to him?" She asked.

"I knew Billy for years. He was always so amazing, honestly. He grew from my brother's best friend, to my best friend, to the man I loved deeply. He was so gentle with me, and so kind to everyone he cared about. He was funny, charming, and even showed emotion."

"When his mother left, after finding out about his father's affair, he spiralled. He came to me that night and I just held him while he cried. Usually it was the opposite, but he was so broken at that time. I was the only one he felt safe with. But with those heavy emotions, came vengeance. He wanted to get even."

"He told me he was just going to break Sidney's heart. At the time, I was all for it. I was young and dumb, and didn't care about the emotional toll it would have on her. But, I also didn't know his real plan. I was basically just told he would make her fall in love with him, then he'd break it off."

"We were together behind her back. I can't tell you how many times I apologized to her. She forgave me so quickly though, when she found out how monstrous he turned out to be. The night of the murders, my heart broke moreso than Sidney's. The man that was so gentle and kind was no longer there. He took it way too far."

I quickly wiped a stray tear away before looking back up at her.

"I should've known something was up when he was teaching me how to defend myself. I thought he was just being overprotective, but that wasn't the case. He wanted me to be able to protect myself from him and Stu, in case something went wrong."

"I lost the man I loved that night, along with my brother. So many emotions filled me. Heartbreak for what they did, but also anger for their deaths. A part of me knew they were better off dead, but I was pregnant, and I wanted our happy little family."

"Giving you up was the hardest decision I have ever made. I thought you'd be better off with a stable family. A mom and dad who weren't plagued by nightmares, who didn't see their dead lover constantly. I cried every night for at least a year after I gave you up." I finally finished.

"I don't blame you, mom. Up until I found those diaries, we had a great life. You did the right thing." She said as she placed a hand on my knee. "I'm just glad you came back for me."

"I told Sidney years ago that if the Ghostface attacks didn't involve you, I wasn't joining in on the fun. Whenever they'd happen, I kept in contact with Christina. Especially the ones in 2011." I sighed. "I almost came back that year, but Christina begged me not to."

"Yeah, sounds like her." She rolled her eyes.

"She told me it would just make matters worse for you and I both. Jill would've immediately went after you if she knew the truth. Plus, making me the villain of her fucked up movie would have been such a plus for her. So I stayed away, but called at least twice a day." My eyes drifted off to Billy standing in the corner.

"Is he here right now?" She whispered.

"He's almost always around." I nodded. "As fucked up as you think you are for seeing him, I'm glad he was there to protect you. I know you don't want to turn out like him. I don't want you to either. But I see the old him in you. The kindness towards others, how protective you are. You're the good parts of him, not the bad."

"But the rumors-"

"Fuck the rumors, Sam. The people who love you are the ones that matter. Tara, Chad, Mindy, Sidney, Gale, and I. We all love you, we all know the truth. That's all that matters. Whoever started the rumors can eat shit." My ranting caused her to laugh, which made me smile.

"What do you think would've happened if he didn't go psycho?" Her question made me think of all the times I stayed up daydreaming of that situation.

"We would've had a happy life, and none of this Ghostface shit would've ever happened." I sighed. "You would've only known the kind side of him. Not the monster everyone knows him as. Don't get me wrong, I'll never defend his actions. I just wish he hadn't changed."

"How many times do I have to apologize for that?" His voice rang out, though only I can hear it. I rolled my eyes and glared at him.

"He's being an ass, isn't he?" Sam chuckled.

"Always is." I smirked.

"Rude." He sighed.

"Mom, Sam, I'm home!" Tara shouted as she entered the apartment.

"Hey, sweetie. How are Chad and Mindy?" I asked as she came into the room, sitting in the empty chair.

"They're good!" I noticed the blush on her face and smirked.

"Someone has a crush." She stared at me with wide eyes, causing me to giggle.

"N-No, I-"

"Tara, doll, I've seen that look plenty of times. Shoot your shot before some skank snatches him up."

"Mom!" Her eyes widened even more.

"She's right." Sam agreed, grinning at her younger sister.

As the two continued to talk, I noticed him smiling at me from across the room. This is the life I wished I would've had with him. The life I deserved.

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