Ending 2

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September 2022; Woodsboro Hospital; Y/N POV

You know how they say your life flashes before your eyes as you die? Well, they aren't wrong.

In what felt like years, but was only mere minutes, I saw all the good in my lifetime. Billy and I first meeting, how we became friends, Stu and I being mischievous children, Tatum, Sidney, and I going shopping. Watching horror movies with Randy or Casey, finding out I was pregnant. Meeting my daughter after years of staying away. It all flashed before me.

When a bright light hit my closed eyelids, I thought that was it. I thought that was the light at the end of the tunnel. I realized I was wrong when I opened my eyes and realized I was in a hospital bed.

The oxygen tubes up my nose felt insanely uncomfortable. Wires and IV lines that could tangle very easily were all over my body. I felt like shit, and I'm sure I looked even worse.

"Mom?" I looked to my side and saw my daughter sitting next to me. Tears ran down my face as she realized I was awake.

"Sam." I croaked. She quickly got me a cup of water, which I thanked her for before chugging it. "Are you okay? What happened?"

"I'm fine. You flatlined, but they were able to bring you back." She smiled as she continued to cry. "I thought I lost you."

"Oh, honey. You'll never lose me; alive or not." I reached a hand out and wiped the tears off her face. "How long have I been out?"

"A week. They had to put you out for a few days to let you heal a little before you woke up. They had to do multiple surgeries, but they said you'll be okay." The news was shocking, yet relieving.

"How are Gale and Sidney?" I asked, knowing they had been injured as well.

"Alive, but Gale needed a blood transfusion. Sidney's okay, just needed stitched up. The knife didn't cut deep enough for her to be in here longer than a night." She explained. "She's came to visit every day too."

"And Tara?"

"She's getting there. Mindy's doing a lot better. Chad's in bad shape, but he'll make it too." I nodded in acknowledgement, then stared across the room at the man who stood in the corner.


"You see him too?" She questioned as she looked in the same direction.

"I've seen him every day since the day he died. I don't know if it's just my mind it if he's actually there, but I enjoyed the company throughout the years." I sighed. "He helped us take down Richie. He does care about you, in his own twisted way."

"So I'm not crazy?" She seemed pleased to hear that she wasn't the only one seeing Billy constantly.

"Not at all. That would make me crazy too, and I'm perfectly sane." I joked, causing her to laugh.

"Tell her I'm sorry. She can only see my reflection right now." Billy crossed his arms and sighed.

"He says he's sorry, and that he regrets what he did. He wanted a different life for us, all of us, but couldn't back out of his plan. Which I've fought with him over many times." I explained to her. "He was amazing before everything happened."

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