Chapter 07: Bloody Swamp

Start from the beginning

Annie: "Looks like luck isn't at my side."

They keep moving through the small village, until they saw a ferry that will get them across the lake.

Ellis: "Looks like this ferry is still working."

Nick: "But the boat is on the other side."

Ellis: "The controls are here."

He was about to pull the lever, but Y/n stops him.

Ellis: "What's wrong?"

Y/n: "The noise on that thing will attract the horde. So get ready first."

Ellis: "Oh. All right."

Everyone get their weapons ready and Y/n signal Ellis to pull the lever. As soon as the motor activated, the hordes scream was heard.

Y/n: "Get ready."

Jeff starts the chainsaw.

Jeff: "Come get some bitches!"

The zombies run towards them as they starts shooting while Jeff cuts those who gets close to them. Zoey spotted a Smoker on the roof and shoots it in the head.

Zoey: "Nailed it!"

Ellis: "Boomer!"

He pointed by the  house and saw a Boomer. He tried to shoot it, but the Boomer quickly hides.

Ellis: "Damn it!"

He was about to chase it, but Nick pulled the back of his shirt to stop him.

Nick: "You stay here!"

Ellis: "But what about the Boomer?"

Coach: "Just let it be. Our priority is to wait for the boat to get here so we can get across!"

Annie: "Grenade!"

She throws a Pipe bomb and the remaining zombies chase it. The bomb exploded, killing them.

Rochelle: "Looks like that's all of them."

Francis: "Well, boat's here."

They entered the boat and Y/n press the button, closing the gate and getting them across.

Ellis: "Hey, do you guys think that there's alligators here?"

Francis: "Don't know. Hey Nick, want to take a swim?"

Nick: "How about you first, since your the one who thought of the idea?"

The boat arrived on the other side and they follow another path.

Nick: "What the hell is that?"

He pointed at the zombie that's on fours and is completely covered in mud.

The mud zombie charges at Nick with a fast pace. It slam it's fist at Nick's head, covering his face with mud.

Nick: "Ah! Damn it I can't see!"

He shove the mud zombie away as Coach shoots it in the head.

Nick wipe the mud off his face.

Nick: "Damn it. Bad place to be wearing white."

They continue following down the path until it lead them to more houses.

Louis: "Didn't know there were houses here."

Jeff: "This place looks like a camp."

Annie: "Could be."

Coach: "Hey, look over there."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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