Chapter One : Planet Superlunary

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3rd pov

it was a fine day in TAPOPS station, everyone doing their jobs.


except for Boboiboy and his squad. it's officially been two months ever since Boboiboy manage to defeat captain Vargoba. commander kokoci and admiral tarung gave the squad a break knowing how draining the fight with captain Vargoba was.

but two months break? isn't that way too long?

well they were happy with it at first but eventually grow bored since there's not much that they can do. and Gopal also didn't like the fact they had to go to school while they were given break from TAPOPS.

Yaya and Ying? they're of course happy that they can go to school again even if it's only for a month.

Boboiboy? well he didn't mind it much and just enjoy the time that he can spend with the squad (though he did also got bored at some point). well he was also happy because he manage to unlock all of his second tier elements in mean time as well.

right now Boboiboy and Gopal is walking towards the meeting room as commander kokoci call the squad there, saying that he have announcement to give to them.

"Boboiboy, what do you think commander want to announce?" the molecule manipulator asked the elements manipulator besides him.

"a mission maybe? I mean it's been two months since we defeat captain Vargoba and we haven't had any mission since then." Boboiboy shrug as he replied to the food lover.

"I hope so. it's so boring not doing any mission.. not to mention we had to go to school in mean time too." Gopal sigh dramatically making orange capped boy raised his eyebrows at him, "ish, you're so dramatic Gopal, we didn't even study that long at school." the elemental hero nudge his best friend.

when the two superhero pass by a certain room, the room door open revealing two familiar faces, "oh! hi Boboiboy! hi Gopal!" Yaya, the gravity manipulator greet them happily.

"oh, hey Yaya." Gopal greeted back lazily while Boboiboy wave at her as he greet her back.

"ey? what's wrong with you Gopal?" Ying raised her eyebrows at the way the molecule manipulator act.

"yeah, that was pretty rude Gopal." Yaya frown seeing how her friend act just now.

"dey, can you blame me? it's been so boring for a whole two months and we had to go to school as well, not to mention the assignment we get from school, it's no fun you know." Gopal complained dramatically as he act as if he's wiping his sweat.

"yet you always complain the most whenever we're on mission before." Ying crossed her arms, not surprised anymore with Gopal's antics

Gopal only laugh nervously at the time manipulator words.

"well we should just go now, I'm sure admiral and commander is waiting for us right now." Yaya interrupt them as she start walking towards the direction of the meeting room while other nodded and follow her from behind.

arriving at the meeting room, they were meet with furious looking admiral tarung, "why you guys take so long to go here huh?!" admiral tarung exclaim angrily.

"u-uh we're sorry admiral! we meet an unexpected problem on our way here," Boboiboy try to explain in panic as his hand wave around while he glance at Gopal, mouthing help to him.

"y-yeah! that's right! there was uhh..." Gopal trailed off as he look everywhere but at admiral tarung face, "an injured member!" Gopal reasoned while Ying and Yaya only sweatdrop at this.

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