Episode 3:Nightmares Come To Life In The Sweetest Of Dreams

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Episode 3:
Trevor enters the room with a smile of excitement and confusion as to what was the
dark figure that hid in the shadows lurking like a hungry predator stalking it's prey but all
that didn't matter for that moment because he finally got to see his long lost best friend
after many years but just as he finished locking his door, as he turns around he is
stunned at what was before his eyes,
"I hate it when you do that", says Trevor slightly alarmed but also angry at the same time,
he sees Tru T dresses in silk boxers revealing his hairless chiselled calves and muscular
strong meaty thighs and a silk robe showing off his buffed up chest glistening with oil
making his dark chocolate skin tone shin like molten chocolate on strawberries, he had a
rather seductive look in his eyes with a seductive smirk, candles lit all over the living
room with rose petals leading to the bedroom, the apartment smelt of Lavender and
Jasmine, on the coffee table was a glass of champagne, an ice bucket with a bottle of
bubbly, the other glass was in his hand as he takes a sip,
"Happy anniversary again babe",
"Thanks but I'm not hungry", replies Trevor making his way to his room,
"What about a kiss?", he said standing up with arms wide open,
"I'm not in the mood Tru", and as that was uttered by Trevor it angered him so, he quickly
stood up and within milliseconds he was in front of Trevor,
"The hell you mean by that?", he asked, his temper escalating,
"Exactly that, I'm not in the mood now may I go and put my bag down, I need a shower
and then I'll go to bed, you'll clean up here and see yourself out", he replies pushing him
slowly aside but before he passes he grabs Trevor's arm with his strong hands not letting
him out of his grasp with glowing red eyes , glowing in anger and his nostrils flared up,
"You were with him weren't you?", Trevor squirming in pain but not showing it,
"Let me go, Tru, you're hurting me", he says with gritted teeth,
"And what will you do about it?", but no response came but silent,
"Aha nothing as usual, we may both be vampires but we both know who's in charge",
"Well it's definitely not any of us", for Tru it was the last draw and before Trevor knew it
his back was against the wall being strangled,
"Give me one reason why I shouldn't rip your head off and feast on your dead body right
now?", Tru whispers in his ear, breathing on his neck, strangling Trevor against the wall
causing it to crack forming a wall crater with his muscles flexed, his robe was on the
floor his body pressed against Trevor not giving him any chance to breathe but Trevor
instead of letting out that he's struggling he closes his eyes and before Tru knew it,
Trevor disappears from his hands and as Tru is still shocked at what happened he hears
the bathroom door slam shut and lock with Trevor coughing on the other side trying to
catch his breath.
"You know you can't hide in there forever babe!", Tru shouts knocking on the bathroom
"I can smell him on you Trevor, I know you were with another guy!", he kept yelling and
banging the door,
"And how the fuck should I answer your question, with a skip in my step?, Tru you always do this, I work in a club for fucks sakes I serve drinks to guys and how the hell should I
know which guy you're talking about?!", Trevor shouts back at Tru making Tru calm down
and lower his anger,
"I....I didn't realize....I'm sorry", he apologized,
"Go", Trevor shoots out,
"What?, but I already said sorry", he insisted,
"I didn't stutter, go, Tru I wanna be alone",
"Fine then I'll go", and for a moment there was silence in the apartment but after a few
seconds a loud bang of the door is heard scaring Trevor for a moment whom was seated
on the toilet seat holding back his tears and taking his breaths slowly and after counting
down to ten his pendant glows revealing his diary again, luckily he always kept a pen in
his pocket he and he began to write.
Meanwhile Tru walks into his apartment and slander his door shut with anger in his eyes
he paces up and down ,
"It's ruined, it's ruined how could I let this happen under my own nose, I'm stupid, stupid,
stupid, stupid!", he shouts punching a whole in the wall and with that he rushes to his
bathroom and looks into his mirror and a face appears, not his but of a woman, a
beautiful woman with flawless skin showing no pimple, her make up was applied as
those of mannequin's in stores,
"The plan is ruined my queen",
"Tru, you cannot fail me now, not when it is close enough to the end",
"But my queen, he's here and that changes everything we have worked on",
"Well well don't fret my servant, things have just got interesting", the woman says with a
smirk on her face with an evil giggle in her tone before she disappeared leaving Tru in
confusion and puzzled to what's in store for him but he couldn't help but also smile in the
end as curiosity excites him the most especially if it involved the queen's hand in
whatever she had planned.
The next morning came and Trevor's apartment is cleaned up from the night before, as
he wakes up he takes a look at the dent that was formed by the force his boyfriend put
on him while strangling him causing him to let out a soft sigh, indeed it wasn't Tru's first
time doing this, he always struck fear in the young boy's heart that he was numb to it all,
despite the fact that they were both vampires, they had no equal strength, Tru abused his
strength on Trevor to prove dominance upon him, to show him who's boss, who was the
man, as much as Trevor would like to leave him, he always felt the need to give him a
chance, a chance that maybe one day he'll learn that love does not include violence but it
seems it's taking long for him to get that gist therefore he'll ride the tide until it drops and
maybe just maybe he'll go back to that romantic, loving, caring guy that grew out of
violence from their childhood.Trevor was cold, scared and numb although Tru was wild
and a monster he still had good in him, or so he believes.He gets out of bed and makes
his way to his bathroom where he does his business and gets ready for another day in
school, his phone gives a text alert, he rushes to it to see it's Kat, 'Hey babe I can't
make it to school today, I got a stomach bug from hell and Roger
gon be staying home nursing me smfh see you when I get better
xoxoxo'Trevor couldn't help but giggle reading the text but felt disappointed that he'll
be spending the day alone before grabbing his bag, an apple and out the door.He gets to
school and the hallway is filled once again with students making a noise but as he places
his books in his locker he felt a light tap on his shoulder, that struck up his instincts as to
nobody taps his shoulder, not even his teachers so who dares tap him on the shoulder
when that person could, called out his name and to his annoyance he lets out a small
growl of irritation but before he could do anything,
"Still easily irritated by the smallest of things I see", a melodic voice speaks,
"Still trying to annoy me I see", Trevor replies turning around to see his best friend, Clive
"And a hello again to you too Trevor", he chuckles,
"Hey Clive, see now I'm gonna think you following me around", he chuckled with his arms
"Why would I though?", Clive asked with a chuckle,
"Oh stop it", Trevor says punching him playfully,
"So you also school here?",
"Yep, so it turns out, but I'm never gonna get bored now that my bud is here", Clive replies
flashing a smile revealing his hidden dimples making Trevor blush a bit 'The hell am I
blushing about ' he asks himself in his head but his thoughts are interrupted by the bell rings
and they make their way to class but before both of them enter the classes they
separated to,
"Hey Trev", Clive calls out before going in the class getting Trevor's attention to pause at
the door,
"Looks like that catch up lunch will happen sooner than we thought",
"I guess", Trevor replies,
"Mr Sinclair, inside, now", calls the teacher,
"Mr McAllister you ain't getting special attention for your grand entrance you know", calls
another teacher in the other class Clive had to enter but little do they know that in both classes they were somewhat being watched, not by the teachers but someone in the
Classes were quickly dismissed, early in the day due to a teacher's meeting, the bell rang
and immediately the school hallway was filled with excited students, slowly walks out of
class Trevor with his books on his chest making his way toward his locker to place them
there, just as he places the last book,
"So you ready?", he hears Clive from behind him with his backpack on one side,
"Ready for what?", asks Trevor with a puzzled look,
"He forgot so fast", Clive says to himself in a disappointed manner,
"Haha I'm just pulling your leg, yeah I'm ready", Trevor laughs,
"Uh oh someone got jokes now",
"Always have bub",
"Well now, shall we?", Clive motions toward the corridor,
"We shall", Trevor confirms in excitement and they make their way out the school.
The troublesome two get to a coffee shop all smiles and laughing out loud catching up
to the old days when they were kids,
"Remember when you tried to jump that pole but I was only taller than you and you never
wanted to accept your shortness?", Clive laughs out at Trevor,
"And I fell on my face but instead of crying I laughed so hard?", he burst out even louder,
"Bruh the sand on your face made you look like a zombie", Clive laughed even louder
"Okay okay that's enough of reminiscing if I laugh one more time I'm ...",
"....gonna pee, I know, you always said that whenever we played tickle war",
"You still remember? Wow", they share a chuckle before getting their food,
"Those were good times though", says Clive before getting a mouthful of the lunch he
"Real good times, pity they were quick to end",
"Yeah, it was out of our control", continues Clive,
"I guess, I really missed you though, like I was depressed, took me time to make new
friends and then I had to leave those friends behind",
"Hey, what's important is that I'm here now, and I'll never leave your side", Clive says
extending his hand placing it on Trevor's,
"Thanks", he replies giving a small smile,
"So tell me, how are you and Tru T, I remember how you hated the guy for always
pestering you with love notes in your books",
"We going through a rough patch, sure he proved he loved me but lately, I don't know
"What happened?",
"I don't wanna burden you with my drama Clive....",
"Hey, when I said I'll always be there for you, I meant it", he said placing his hand on
Trevor's, Trevor looked at his hands then up at Clive's eyes ans he could sense the
sincerity, he felt a feeling he's never felt before, butterflies in his stomach,
"It's a long story",
"I got time", Clive says flashing a smile and giving a wink,
"Okay so it all started when....", Trevor began his story from the day he and Tru met and
made things official.The talk went on until they ended up at the park walking down the
"....and last night after meeting you I found him all dresses for the occasion, the house
was romantic but then the flashback of him and those girls came back and him lying
about him being busy that night just put me off, he strangled me for not telling him who I
was with besides Kat and bumping into you so I ran to the bathroom and locked myself
in their till he left so, yeah",
"First of all, wow and second, have you spoken to him about his behaviour?",
"No, I've been ignoring his calls and text messages, I just know he's gonna blame me for
everything so I don't bother",
"I get it, you still angry about it but hear him out",
"No buts, you'll never know what he's got to say for himself, his behaviour, I say return his
calls, and hear what he has to say, if he still blamed you, cut the line, of he apologizes, forgive him, 'cause it shows how much you love by how you're hurting about it but next
time he strangles you, call me ASAP and I'll sort him out", Clive replies making a fist
causing Trevor to laugh a bit,
"Alright I'll try tomorrow though 'cause I still gotta cool down myself and see if Kat is
okay, she couldn't make it to school today",
"Okay but can we do something before going home, it's getting dark", pleads Clive,
"And what's that?",
"If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise now would it",
"Urgh, okay okay show it to me", and just as Trevor whines in curiosity, Clive grabs his
hand but Trevor feels something as his hand was held, it was different from when Tru
does it, it was a spark but he chose to ignore it and not read into it so they walk toward
their apartment's building and as soon as they got in, they got in the elevator,
"Dude, this better be good",
"Trust me, it is", the elevator stops and opens and Clive still holding Trevor by his hand
they run to fire escape stairs,
"You first", says Clive making way for Trevor to walk up and so he does but when he gets
to the roof top,
"Clive what is the surprise, I'm dying of suspense", but he gets no reply but Clive only
points out toward the sun setting upon the horizon with Nubiana buildings windows
reflecting to the golden light shining toward the two males on the roof watching it set
"Clive, it's ...it's...", Trevor says walking to the edge of the building looking at the taller guy
next to him seeing his eyes shimmer as the light complimented the pale green making
the colour have hints of gold along with the yellow, red and brown leaves absorbing the
sunlight looking like an amber flame,
"Trevor I doubt you'd believe me but everyday I'd look at the sunset and remember the
last time we saw it together, it reminded me of you, our friendship and how deep it goes
really but now I get to watch it with you again",
"True, in a way I'm glad you're back in my life, and this completes everything that I ever
"Trev, from now on I'll never leave your side as I said earlier and this will be a reminder to
"The ring I made, you never lost it", Trevor replies with a gasp of shock,
"I never let it out of my sight, it meant a lot to me the moment you gave it to me",
"Mine is in this pendant my mom gave me on my 16th birthday, both of these are the
most important items I never wanna lose",
"Thank you Trevor, for not giving up on our friendship so easily",
"You too Clive, you too", and they both share a hug, sit on the edge of the rooftop with
Trevor placing his head on Clive's shoulder and Clive's head on Trevor's,
"Careful not to crush my head with your big ass head", Trevor complains with a small
"Man shut the fuck up, yours is crushing my shoulder", Clive also complains with a
"I hate you hehe", Trevor snickers,
"Yeah right haha", they both laugh as they admire the sunset slowly descend on the horizon as the autumn chilly wind blows.
After few minutes of soaking in the beauty of the sunset they go down the fire escape
stairs they say their goodnights, pump fists and separate and Trevor makes his way to
his apartment with joy in his heart, he opens his door and finds his house a mess, it was
as if a tornado had hit it, first thing that came to his mind was Tru but to see something
lurk in the shadows, it had red eyes,
"Tru is that you?", he asks in fear but all the creature did was stare and growl revealing
it's sharp teeth and claws,
"You're not Tru", Trevor says with frustration and fear and with that the creature charged
at him and so did Trevor to it and they clash causing them to create a sonic boom which
'causes the building to tremor a bit but the creature overpowers him and tosses him to
the wall,
"Ouch!", says Trevor,
"The fuck are you, what do you want?!", he says fanging out with his eyes a blood red and
just as he was about to charge at it again he feels his powers drain making him drop to
the floor,
"What the...what's going on?", he asks himself as he gets powerless but when he looks
up he sees the creature stand in front of him with a scary evil smile which widens and
opens up like a shell ready to devour the helpless boy but he manages to use the last of
his strength to speed leaving a blur on the ground flowing toward the still open door,
"You want me motherfucker?, come get me", Trevor says by the door way before now
sprinting down the building passage, powerless toward the stairs running up to the roof
and the creature follows out the room then disappears, just as Trevor was reaching the
top suddenly it reappears in front of him but he manages to spear it out his way.
"What do you want from me?", he asks trying to catch his breath but still it doesn't reply
but spit needle like spikes at him but luckily he dodges them but one stabs his right thigh
"OW!THAT REALLY....REALLY Hurt", he says feeling faint he takes a sniff of his blood
"Vervaine", he whispers to himself as he drops to his knee but before he could give in, a
bright light shines on the creature and another creature attacks spears it , Trevor tries his
best to catch a glimpse of what was going on but all he sees is a bright light fighting a
shadow, roars, groans and whines are heard all over in the windy and starry night sky but
suddenly it goes quiet and huge POOF sound is all that breaks the silence, he's now
laying on the floor facing up to the now blurry sky and then black out.He wakes up
gasping for air as though he had a nightmare, he was in his room, everything was fixed
like nothing happened, he looked to his side he sees a giant wolf like creature, as though
it was a werewolf, a husky werewolf with black fur on top and white at the bottom with
beautiful gold eyes and white angel wings,
"Thanks", he says but it doesn't say anything but instead it walked out of the bedroom but
Trevor doesn't hesitate to follow it,
"Hey what are you?", still no answer,
"Thanks again", he says and it bows then turns around getting ready to run it magically
disappears into thin air phrasing into the wall,
"Wow", he whispers to himself before going back to bed looking up at his curling but
something clicks that makes him get up and look at his wall to see the dent from his altercation with his boyfriend gone, it amazed him and yet weirded him out, what was
that thing that attacked him, what was the creature that saved him, what was going on
with his day, those were the thoughts that circled in his head that he ran to his bathroom,
the pendant glows, the book appears, he takes out a pen,
"Dear Diary....", he began sharing what was going on that day.
Meanwhile 'click, click, shift...click, click, shift' goes a pair of red stilettos moving back
and forth with her cape scraping the castle floor,
"Dammit you failed your mission", yells the queen in her castle,
"My queen the animal was no match for me",
"And so is the boy?, guards seize him and dispose of him", and with that the servant was
dragged out of the throne room kicking and screaming,
"Forgive me your worship, forgive me...!!!",
"This plan had better work, don't fail me Tru", she says to herself and after a few seconds
screams of pain and agony are heard all around the castle making the queen give off a
grin showing her long white fangs.
"Thank goodness he's safe now",
"If it wasn't for...",
"Don't say it...we have to send them over just to check up on him",
"Good idea...",
...boys, you know what to do',
"Yes sir", they all reply in unison from different places using telepathy,
"Lets get ready guys, this is bigger than we thought", one of them said using the same power their
father used to communicate with them, things are getting pretty serious with a life or
better yet, live at stake.

Dear Diary:Season 1Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon