
Ciel flinched at Choi Han's words that he averted his gaze.

"I hate to admit it, but he's right."

Beacrox sighs and looks at Ciel with a sharp gaze.

That made Ciel even more confused.

"Ciel, even if you don't give me the chance, I won't care. Think about yourself too next time."

Cale stroked Ciel's head gently.

"I hate to see you hurt. The money I gave you was nothing."

Cale kissed Ciel's chubby cheek.

"You can keep it."

Ciel's face turned red when Cale did that and looked elsewhere.


Ciel didn't seem to want to accept it.


Ciel was confused when Beacrox kissed his cheek too.

"Is it that not enough? I'll add this."

Beacrox put some silver coins inside the pouch.


Ciel held his other cheek as Choi Han kissed him too.  Ciel's face was completely confused when Choi Han also added silver coins to the pouch.

"Let me keep it for you so no one steals it."

Hans took the pouch from Ciel's hand.

"But I want half of it."

Hans whispered, making Ciel laugh.

Cale on the other hand was annoyed.  Why did Beacrox and Choi Han join in kissing his little Butler on the cheek!?

"You still have to take medicine even if you have completely recovered. That's what the healer said meow."

On snorted at their behavior and pointed to the medicine with a red label.

Ciel smiled and nodded.

"I understand, thank you."

Ciel smiled and stroked On's head.




After dinner, Ciel returned to the healer's room and saw that the doctor was not there.

Ciel remembered On's words, and took a medicine tablet from the medicine container with the blue label, which was next to the red label, then left the room after swallowing the medicine.

The healer came back from the bathroom and saw the medicine mark with the blue label move from its place, confused.

"Who takes these aphrodisiacs again?  Why is everyone in this world so wild?”

The healer sighed and didn't want to think about it.




'Why does my body feel hot?'

Ciel breathed rapidly as his face looked red.

His clothes were sweaty, and his mind was going around with wild thoughts.

'Wait!  Is this the aphrodisiac effect that is so famous in all 18+ fics!?'

It feels like omega is in heat!

Ciel looked at the window, and he could see his eyes shining, as well as the blue markings under his ears.

Being A Butler In Harem Fics! [!REMAKE!]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें