H o l d Y o u D o w n - 2

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               "Nigga, why do I smell another bitch on you?" Trinity snapped as she rolled her neck.

               "I like to give hugs," Chance replied, simply. But he knew he should of taken a shower before he came home but he was too tired after busting the nut.

               Trinity grabbed Chance member through his boxers and squeezed it hard. "Fuck with me if you want to but if you're giving my dick away I will castrate you,"

               Chance tired to push her hand away but she had a good grip on him, he also knew she was crazy enough to do it. Chance saw Trinity in action when she had to fight a few bitches because of him.

               Trinity gave one last hard squeeze before she let him go. "Do you even know what today is?"

               Chance was rubbing his member softly and glaring at Trinity. "No, I don't, please inform a nigga what today is,"

               Trinity look at Chance and shook her head as she took a seat on the bed still facing him. "Today is our anniversary,"

               Chance stopped massaging his member and cursed. That's the reason why her as was acting more crazy than usual. He looked more closely at her and saw she was wearing red lingerie. "Dang, my fault baby,"

               "Your fault?" Trinity said, in disbelief. "Nigga this isn't the only time you forgot something, your ass also forgot my birthday,"

               "How many times are you going to keep throwing that shit in my face?" Chance asked as he took a seat next to her on the bed.

               "Until you stop fucking up," Trinity said, her light brown eyes meeting his green ones.

               "I promise, I'm not gonna forget shit again," Chance said as leaned down and gave her a soft peck on the lips.

               Trinity knew Chance was giving her false hope, but she loved him and hoped his stayed true to his word.

               Trinity was taken out of her thoughts when Chance's phone started ringing on the night stand. Trinity felt Chance body tense up and he pulled away from her.

               She lifted her eyebrow and quickly reached over to the night stand picking up Chance new iPhone.

               Chance tried to grab the phone out her hands but Trinity quickly got up and ran inside the master bathroom locking the door behind her.

               Chance banged on the door and hoped to God it was one of his boys calling him and not one of his hoes. "Trinity open this fucking door!"

               "Naw nigga, what you have to hide?" she screamed from the other side of the door and pushed the green button answering the phone.

               "Hey baby," A female voice said, after Trinity answered the phone.

               "Bitch, why you calling my man phone," Trinity screamed through the phone, she was already pissed that Chance forgot their anniversary but now a hoe called his phone.

               "Bitch?" Alexis repeated shocked, Chance told her that he was single.

               "You heard me the first time bitch, now explain,"

               Chance knew by all the screaming Trinity was doing that it was a chick that called his phone.

               "Excuse you, but maybe if you kept your man happy then his ass wouldn't be straying,"

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