Episode 4

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As Shang Qinghua continued on his journey, he relished in the freedom of traveling to new and unexplored places. The weight of his past burdens seemed to lighten with each step he took away from the cultivation world. He had no concrete destination in mind, allowing the path to guide him wherever it pleased.

His travels took him to breathtaking landscapes, ancient ruins, and hidden treasures. He encountered various cultures, exchanged stories with local cultivators, and found solace in the simplicity of everyday life.

For once, he felt like a true adventurer, unbound by the expectations and responsibilities that had haunted him for so long.

Everything he saw, reminded him of the days he spent just planning and imagining all the landscapes, creatures, and animals of this world, for him as an author it was simply rewarding watching everything he spent so much time into play into place.

Shang Qinghua's days were filled with exploration and discovery. He would often find himself reminiscing about the times he had shared with Shen Qingqiu and Luo Binghe, but the bitterness that once consumed him gradually faded. Instead, he chose to cherish the fond memories they had shared and focus on his newfound sense of self.

Even if he kept thinking about it, everything that happened was his fault, wasn't it? Or at least that's what he used to think.
After all, all he did was write a novel, he never thought it would become real, even less that it would cause so much pain and angst to his loved ones, especially his king, he never planned for him to suffer that much.

Even if he suffered as well at the hands of his king, even if it was awful. He learned how to process all the pain and grief it had caused him. Yet he still went and fell in love with Mobei Jun, yet he still missed him with all his heart.

During his travels, he encountered a diverse array of cultivators, many of whom were unfamiliar with him as the renowned An Ding Peak Lord. This anonymity granted him a rare sense of freedom and allowed him to forge genuine connections with others without the weight of his past identity.

As he crossed paths with kind-hearted cultivators and ordinary villagers, he found himself reflecting on the people he had left behind. Despite the pain and mistreatment, he had endured, he couldn't deny the bonds that had once tied him to the cultivation world. A part of him still yearned for the camaraderie he had shared with Shen Qingqiu and Luo Binghe, even if it had been flawed.

After all, all he did was to help them yet none of them cared enough for him to chase after him or even help him when he needed it. Now, after traveling for some time he realized that many things, people, and characters he created were deeper than he thought.

The peak lords and disciples of Cang Qiong found themselves grappling with conflicting emotions. Some felt relief, seeing his absence as a break from the relentless workload he had shouldered for so long. They saw it as an opportunity to prove that they could manage their own affairs without relying on Shang Qinghua's ceaseless efforts.

Yet, there were others who felt a profound sense of loss. Shang Qinghua's quirky presence, despite his numerous quirks and clumsiness, had become an integral part of the sect's daily life. His occasional, amusing mishaps and unexpected moments of wisdom had brought a unique charm to the otherwise serious and disciplined environment of the sect.<

As the months passed, the initial relief turned to concern, and concern turned to regret.

The peak lords had to acknowledge that, despite his quirks, Shang Qinghua had been a crucial pillar of support for the sect. His meticulous management of resources and finances, the diplomatic ties he had fostered, and the compromises he had negotiated with other sects had kept Cang Qiong running smoothly.

With Shang Qinghua gone, the sect started to feel the repercussions of his absence. Budgets became tighter, diplomatic relations grew strained, and communication with other sects became more challenging. The peak lords now had to confront the reality of the immense workload that Shang Qinghua had taken upon himself.

The disciples, too, began to feel the impact. They had grown accustomed to Shang Qinghua's unique brand of guidance and care. His words of encouragement and his sometimes unconventional approach to teaching had left a lasting impression on many of them. Now, without their approachable and understanding Peak Lord, they felt a sense of isolation and uncertainty.

Whispers of remorse and regret filled the halls of Cang Qiong. Some disciples who had once joined in the ridicule and gossip about Shang Qinghua now found themselves yearning for his return. They wished they could apologize for their past treatment of him, realizing that they had underestimated his value and contribution to the sect. Among the peak lords, a collective sense of guilt emerged.

They acknowledged that they had taken Shang Qinghua for granted, using him as a scapegoat for their own shortcomings and unloading their responsibilities onto him. They began to understand that he had been more than just a resourceful administrator; he had been the heart and soul of An Ding Peak. Yue Qingyuan, the Sect Leader, felt the weight of the situation on his shoulders.

He had known Shang Qinghua for many years and had witnessed firsthand the dedication and loyalty he had shown to the sect. He realized that he had not been attentive enough to Shang Qinghua's needs and had failed to protect him from the slander and mistreatment he had endured. In the face of Shang Qinghua's absence, Yue Qingyuan took on the responsibilities of An Ding Peak, attempting to manage the finances, treaties, and diplomatic affairs as best he could.

However, the burden was overwhelming, and he found himself longing for Shang Qinghua's return, not just to fulfill his duties but to fill the void left in the hearts of those who missed him. Months had passed since Shang Qinghua's departure, and Mobei Jun found himself grappling with a mix of emotions.

At first, he had been consumed by frustration and anger, feeling abandoned and hurt by the sudden absence of the one person who had shown him glimpses of warmth and understanding. But as the days turned into weeks, and the weeks turned into months, that anger transformed into a deep sense of longing and concern. He had searched tirelessly for any trace of Shang Qinghua, following every lead and investigating every rumor.

But it seemed that his hamster-looking advisor had truly vanished from the cultivation world. Mobei Jun couldn't shake the feeling of regret that gnawed at him—the regret of not expressing his feelings when he had the chance, the regret of not valuing Shang Qinghua enough when he had been by his side.

So he promised himself that when he found Shang Qinghua he would never leave his side again, but more than anything, he would keep reassuring him his value.

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