6. Lost in the enemy's grasp

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Clove POV 

When I walked back to camp I talked to Clarke for a while and after a while the sun was setting and Bellamy came up to me. 

"Clo, have you seen Octavia?" He asks me 

"The last time I saw her was when we had an argument. Did she not come back to camp?" I ask. 

"No, she hasn't," Bellamy says 

"Everyone listens up my sister Octavia has been out there for more than 12 hours everyone gets a weapon," Bellamy says to everyone. 

I try to get a knife but Bellamy stops me. "Your not going" He says 

"Yes I am" I say 

"No you're not, if someone really took Octavia then I can't risk someone taking you." He says 

"Fine," I say 


Octavia POV 


We were on the ark back when our mother was still alive Clove was about 9 and I was 10 and Bellamy was 13. We were on the Ark playing "Go" Bellamy says as he gives Octavia a pony ride. 

"I want another pony ride." I say

"No, I want one," She says 

"OK, where do you guys want to go? The forest, the jungle." 

"I want to see The Ark, Bell," Octavia says 

"Me too," Clo say 

"Take us out the door," I ask 

"That's enough. All of you." Our mom says 

"It's time." She says

"But - no! I don't want to!" I said

"Me neither," Clove says 

"How do you even know?" 

"Yeah, Mom, tell us why you're never surprised by surprise inspections," Bellamy says 

"Mind yourself, Bellamy Blake. Tell your sisters what happens if they find them." Our mom says

"They know what happens. I told them a thousand times. You know the drill." He says 

"I hate the drill," I say 

"Me too," She says 

"Sometimes I which I was never even born," I says looking down

"Stop it, Octavia. I know you are afraid, but fear is a demon. Close your eyes and tell yourself that you are not afraid. Both of you. That is how you slay the demon." She says and we hear knocking on the door.

"Say it," She says to us. 

"I'm not afraid," We say 

"Ok," She says and kisses us both and we get in. 

"Miss Blake by authority of the council, we're here to perform a random inspection." The guard says 

"Inspector Grus, It's good to see you. Your uniforms are ready. There you go just like new." 

End of flashback

"I'm not afraid," I say while crawling 

I get out of my crawling space and I'm out in the forest again. 

I keep running as fast as I can until I hear a woman screaming which makes me stop. I'm about to start running when someone grabs me and puts their hand over my mouth "Ahh" I scream. 

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