Chapter 101-111 END

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Chapter 101 It's the Tea House Again

Chapter 101 It's the Tea House Again

Qiao Anle frowned tightly.

She originally wanted to suppress the nausea in her stomach.

After all, today is a good day for them to successfully bid and sign the contract.

Qiao Anlu didn't want any more accidents to happen at this time.

She stood in the state-owned hotel, trying hard to restrain the abnormal reaction in her body.


between breaths.

The aroma of food kept entering her nostrils.

The more you gasp for air, the uncomfortable feeling you feel becomes more and more intense.

Nausea and the urge to vomit.

It also reached its peak at this time.

Qiao Anle couldn't help it at all.

After Su Jiaojiao met Huo Nancheng before, she had been acting absent-minded and was pulled away by Qiao Anle the whole time.

It was a moment later that she noticed Qiao Anle's abnormality.

The echo came in a hurry.

Su Jiaojiao asked worriedly.

"Anle, what's wrong with you?"

The words just left his mouth.

When Su Jiaojiao saw Qiao Anle who was standing next to her, she suddenly rushed out like lightning.

She walked quickly and urgently.

There were even some panicked steps, and there was a feeling of running away.

It's like this state-owned hotel can eat people.

This way.

Su Jiaojiao was immediately startled.

After all, Qiao Anle behaved calmly and calmly at all times, even during time travel and rebirth. This was the first time they had understood and encountered such things.

What else is worth Qiao Anle being so panicked about?

Su Jiaojiao also panicked.

No matter what he cared about, he hurriedly chased Qiao Anle's leaving figure.

After Qiao Anle ran out of the state-owned hotel, she ran into the alley next door.

She held one hand against the wall.

With one hand, press the area under your chest and stomach.

Open your mouth wide and breathe heavily.

"Ugh... ugh..."

The feeling of nausea and vomiting was still irritating his throat.

She made a gagging sound.

However, nothing came out.

Qiao Anle was wrinkled together at home, looking uncomfortable, and his face was even a little pale.

She could only hold on to the wall and keep breathing heavily.

The scent of food finally disappeared from the air and entered the body along with the breath.


The feeling of irritation and nausea before finally slowly subsided.

During this time.

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