Chapter One

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(Unedited, share your thoughts)

**Trigger warnings: mentions of SA

"Nico, make sure you lock up on your way out!" Cassandra, the owner of the small bakery, called as she made her way to the front door. Nico quickly moved to follow her, nodding with an eye roll. She spoke as though he had not done this many times and as though he were not her most used manager.

"Let me walk you out." He hummed, and she gave him an easy smile. Cassandra was hardly young, going on fifty-five; Nico disliked when she worked the store so late. He had insisted many times that she just leave it to him. He was plenty capable and much younger than her by at least thirty years. Yet she insisted that he could not be left to do all of the closing work on his own. So most nights, she stayed until there was only moping left before he would walk her out.

"Honestly, Nico, I am perfectly capable." She laughed out, and she had a fair point. Cassandra was a woman who already had a mate; his scent was constantly on her since they lived together.

"Then let me do it to be a gentlemen." He huffed out, shrugging as he shut the door behind him and walked her to her car. She let out a low laugh and patted his head once in her higher truck. He grinned up at her, giving an easy nod.
"Make sure you get home safe!"

He watched as she shut her door and locked it, waving before he made his way back to the front door. He watched her drive off before opening it with a low sigh. He paused briefly at the sound of shouting, his brows knitting together. Though he quickly 'noped' his way out of the situation when he heard the voices get closer towards the door. He quickly locked the glass door behind him, scurrying his way to the back. The store wasn't necessarily in the worst part of town, but he hardly had it in him to take stupid chances.

He waited a period in the back, glancing two men who walked by. Those must have been the loud voices. He huffed out a breath of relief and soon dragged the mop bucket to the front where he did his last chore of the night. He then grabbed his wallet, which had a single hundred dollar bill in it to last him the week. Afterward, he grabbed his bag if left over lunch and made his way outside, locking the door behind him.

He walked to the bus station, something Cassandra scolded him for.
'I can just drive you home!' She had insisted, but he protested that it was thirty minutes out of her way. He saw no point to inconvenience her in such a way when she clearly had a mate and kids to get home to. Instead, he took the bus to the stop right down the streets from his apartment. There was meter any issues; the area was not a dangerous one from what he had seen.

It was no different tonight. He made it to the bus stop safely and sat down, waiting silently for the next ten minutes before the bus came.

It was meant to be no different. At least until he heard a thud. He turned around, brows knitting when he noticed a man had fallen and was struggling to get up.

"Hey, do you need some help?" Nico's brows knitted together, and he stood, making his way over to him. He placed a hand on the male's shoulder, offering him his hand as he noticed the man coughing. His eyes widened when blood splattered in the ground, and he saw the man clutching a wound on his stomach.
"Oh my! We need to get you to a hospital!"

It took a lot of effort to help the man stand. Nico was only about five feet, and he was hardly muscular, perks of being an omega rather than an alpha or even a delta. The man grasped onto his shirt, gasping as Nico tried to help him walk. Though he froze when he heard a click and then heard a gunshot, though it was muffled by a silencer.

Nico froze where he stood, his heart pounding in his chest as the body he supported became dead weight. It took a moment to realize that blood had splattered on his clothes and his face as well. He stared in shock at the dead body beside him, hands trembling before he suddenly found himself surrounded by men. His eyes went wide, his arms flying up as his eyes squeezed shut. He heard curses and rapid speaking, someone muttering something about 'the boss' and another saying something about rope.

AlphaxOmega - Shlits And GigsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon