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"Hey, do you happen to know anything about Clifford Blossom?" Jughead asks as we wait for our burgers.

I think for a moment.

"There were rumors that his maple business was a cover up for drugs." I inform. He nods gratefully, putting what I said in his subconscious for later.

"Your paper's coming 'long real well, Jug." I smile at him. He blushes and covers his face with his crown beanie. I laugh at his stupidity and he laughs at his embarrassment. Pop brings out our burgers and we're good to go. I wish Pop a good night and we decide to eat in my car and then I'll drop Jug off at Northside.

After I do, I return home in a tired matter wanting only my loving bed. I flop down and lose any consciousness quickly.


My ringtone alerts me awake as I immediately answer the call on my phone.

"Hello?" My voice rasps. "Hello. I need to speak to Daisy Baxter." The voice on the other end says. "She's speaking," I say as I check what time it is.

3:43 am...

"Your parents were in a bad accident, they're here at the hospital if-"

"An accident? What happened?" I ask, frantically getting up and pulling on my shoes.

"They were in a car crash." The voice answers. I take a deep breath before I start yelling. "Shit," I mumble.

"I'll be there in a few," I say and the voice hangs up. "Oh, God." I squeak and grab my car keys. I run out the door with my phone and get in my car.

I arrive at the hospital 10 minutes later, running into the front desk. All I can think about is how my parents got into an accident. They were coming home from San Francisco, California from work.

"Baxter?" I ask her while trying to catch my breath. She types on her keyboard and a few clicks on her mouse. "Lorie, 412. Harris, 416." She smiles at me. "Thanks so much." I rush over to the elevators and click the level 4 button.

My nails are all bitten off and I've been too afraid to do much else. My parents were in a car accident. My parents are in a hospital because of a car accident. I can't wrap my head around it. It doesn't feel real.

I rush down the hall and find room 412. I can see my mother through the door window. She's asleep. I collect my thoughts and walk into the silent white room. I sit by her bed, just watching her chest rise up and down. I can't seem to look away from her as if she would die while my back was turned.

Her head rolls over to me but she doesn't wake up. Her head snuggles into the light blue pillow. I let out a long breath and then get up from my chair next to the bed. I walk out of the room and go down the hall to 416 to see my father. Unlike my mom, he was awake.

"Dad. Hey." I smiled at him. He looked at me and tried to return it. "How are you feeling?" He gave me a shaky thumbs-up. "That's good." I sat down next to him. I took one of his hands in mine. I could see him trying to talk. "No, it's okay. Mom's still asleep." I tell him. He gives me a small smirk and closes his eyes. His breathing slows down.


The monitor starts beeping rapidly and I freeze in fear.

"Oh, God! Dad!" I get up and hit the help button. A doctor comes in and pushes me aside. She pushes a blue button and a couple of nurses come in with a machine.

Tears form in my eyes as they open his gown and start charging the paddles. Time slows down. The doctor shocks my dad with the volts and his body jolted up and then back down. The doctor told them to charge it higher. They hit him again, but it didn't work.

"Dad!" I sob. The doctor tells one of the nurses to get me out. They escort me out and I have to watch from the window. Tears roll freely down my face as I see them intubate him and try to get him breathing. After a few minutes, they call it.

"Time of death, 4:24 am." I break down in sobs and lean against the wall. I cover my mouth and close my eyes. This can't be happening. This is just a nightmare. I try to pinch myself as my breathing picks up. I feel like I've been winded. Punched in the face and then kicked onto the ground like garbage.

"Daisy? I heard your car at the trailer park." I look up from my knees and see the best person for the situation. "Sweets." I sob and he rushes over and kneels to hug me. "Oh, my God. What happened?" He asks. "My dad's dead!" I sob in his shoulder. "He was in a fucking car accident and now he's dead!" I yell.

Sweet Pea puts one of his hands on the back of my head and cradles me in his arms.

"It's okay. It's okay." He repeats as I break down. "I can't, I can't..." I choke on my tears. "Breathe. Deep breaths." He whispers. I take one shaky breath and start to hiccup. My whimpers become more muted, but the lump in my throat stays.

I take another but still have tears on my cheeks. They pour from my eyes without my control, but I don't wipe them. I don't have the energy to.

originally published - 11/30/23

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