Chapter 10: The Aftermath

Start from the beginning

Andrea: that's not good.

Michael: no, but I didn't saying anything but I put my hand on his shoulder to reassure him that I wouldn't tell anyone and i didn't, until now.

Daniel: damn.

Charlie: he shouldn't have to feel guilty about having emotions, I've always raised him to believe that men have emotions too and that he wasn't weaker for crying.

Josh: I've heard a saying before that people who cry aren't weak, they've been strong for far too long.

Priscilla realised that how she spoke to Josh and she apologised.

Priscilla: I'm sorry Josh.

Josh: it's okay, we're all worried about Tom and it's nice to know that you love him as much as you do.

Priscilla: I do, I love him so much.

Charlie: if I know my son, he's probably more worried about us and his dog too.

Priscilla: he didn't even give it a second thought about darting past the firefighters and into his house that was completely on fire to rescue his dog.

Taylor: he's very obviously got a good heart, because not every one would do that just to rescue their pet.

Josh: he's always had a soft spot for dog breeds that were misunderstood, like pitbulls.

Charlie turned to Josh with a smile on his face.

Charlie: do you remember how he used to go over to any dog and ask to pet them whenever he saw them out in public.

Josh: yeah, he used to volunteer at the dog shelter when he was still a teenager, I remember walking in one day and seeing him there, I was surprised to see him there and when I called out to him, he had this look on his face like "what are you doing here ?" I had the same look on my face because he never told us he was doing that until then.

Andrea: i remember when I was going through a terrible break up with my abusive ex had been hitting me and when he found out about it, he got Dan and Mike her me to go and keep me company and he didn't tell them but he went and got all my things out of his place.

Priscilla: was your ex there ?

Andrea: not at first but he found out that Tom had take all my stuff and brought it back to me and he found out where I was and he started trying knocking the front door down and then Tom, Mike and Dan all went outside and dealt with him.

Josh: did they kick his head in ?

Andrea: a little bit yeah but they stopped after a little bit because they knew that I wouldn't want them to get into trouble on my behalf.

Daniel: you'd have been mad at us and proud at the same time.

Charlie: you three are like protective brothers when Andrea is concerned.

Michael: ain't that the truth Charlie.

Daniel and Michael put their arms around Andrea to help comfort her and she smiled at them both, Andrea was indeed the little sister of the group and she had never felt so safe as she does with best friends like Tom, Michael and Daniel.

Priscilla smiled as she saw how Tom's friends were with each other and it was nice to know that the man she loves has such a supportive group of people around him, she cares so much about him and after hearing all the stories about Tom, she realises that she loves him so much more than she already did.

Then, as they were all starting to smile again, Charlie spotted a doctor who introduced herself as Dr. Melnik was walking up to them and so they all stood up and prepared for the worst.

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