Rosie came into the kitchen.

"Mommy, Daddy, Sammy okay?" She asked. I smiled at her and put my arm out for her to come over.

"Sammy has the flu and she was pretty sick, but she's going to be okay," I said.

"Hey! Is that my Rosie Posey there?" Sam's voice came over the phone.

"Sammy?!" Rosie cried out.

"Hi Rosie!"

"Hi Sammy!  You be getting better?"

"Seems that way," Samantha coughed. "I'm a little sick but I don't think I have to stay in the hospital."

"That's good Sammy!  You come home now?"

Samantha laughed, and then coughed.

"Sam, get some rest, okay?  Are Brendon and Sarah there?"

"We're here, Ty.  But your daughter is 18, so we let her take the lead," Brendon said.

"Thanks for taking such good care of her," I said. "You guys okay?"

"Yeah. We're okay," Sarah said. She knew what I was asking.

"Okay, well let you guys get things sorted and Sam, call us when you get back home, okay?"

"I will, Dad. Promise," Sam coughed.

"We'll make sure she does," Brendon said.

We hung up and Jenna and I smiled at each other.

"She'll be okay," I said.

"And just a flu. Not even a stay in the hospital," Jenna said. "So long as it doesn't turn into pneumonia."

"Oh. Yeah," I said, texting Brendon. He texted back immediately.

"We know. Doc also mentioned it. But thanks."

I sighed, knowing I should have known he'd know to keep an eye out for pneumonia.

Jenna smiled and started making breakfast. I brought Rosie upstairs with me and got her dressed and then got Junie up and dressed. We'd probably all wind up taking a nap today.

We had a wonderful and relaxed breakfast and while Jenna went up and got dressed, I did the dishes and wiped down the table. I wiped Junie's face and then took her out of her high chair, depositing the tray in the sink to deal with later, followed by her bib.

The three of us went into the playroom while we waited for Jenna.

Once she came down, the four of us went for a walk to the park. It was a beautiful and sunny fall day. Not too cold, but that bite in the air that promises snow is not too far away.

The girls had a great time at the park, and it was early enough that we had the whole place to ourselves for a while, until the moms stopped at the park after dropping the older ones at school. A few of them were friends of Rosie's, so they all played together for a while while Junie napped in the stroller having worn herself out on the swings with Jenna.

A little while later, Rosie came over and leaned on me and whined.

"Daddy, I'm tired. I wanna go home."

"Okay, Pumpkin," I said, tapping Jenna on the shoulder. She'd been talking to one of the moms of Rosie's friends. "Rosie's tired. Let's get the kids home."

She nodded and said goodbye to the mom.

"Bye Tyler, bye Rosie," the woman said. "Jenna, tell Sam that Blake and Riley hope she feels better."

Leave The City (Book 8 of Adopted by the Josephs)Where stories live. Discover now