hello traveler

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Time to fulfill a tradition



Hello there, Are you off to another adventure? Mind if I join in? Hmmm? Oh please, I am not look like it but I do travel around, After all how else would I've been to write about the great traveler and his trusty companion... Whoops Maybe... I let out too much.

When It rains (In Fontaine):

Hmmm, I wonder what happened...

When it rains teyvat:

The rain here feels refreshing...

When it snows:

Ahhh, snow, the better version of sand.

When in the desert:

Ugh... Let's get this over with before I have a hissy fit

About us (Traveler and Paimon):

I can tell that both of you have a companionship that will never truly be broken, a bond so strong that it will take some truly... Extraordinary to break...

About us (traveler):

You possess special properties, that break teyvat's natural balance, You are an anomaly... Yet you were trapped here, What could be reason.

About Furina:

Hmmmm, It's rare for me to be truly honest with my feelings, since it's embarrassing to say Infront of her, but yes I do love her. I appreciate what she has done for us all, in Fontaine.

About Focalors:

From my brief time with speaking with her, I could see a glimpse of my mother inside her of her the ways she speaks and the way she acts in general, it's a bit toned down from What mother would do but... It is there.

About the Others:

Oh? Them. Well, I'm the second oldest, being beaten out by 1 month from the Snezhnayan girl.

About the others (Creation):

We are the results of pure elemental energy being given sentience and a body, so in a way we aren't too different from slimes.

About Neuvillitte:

When I was growing up, I would come into Neuvillitte's office, during busy hours, and just play around there, bothering Neuvillitte every time I had a question, Though I guess he didn't mind, since he answered all of my inquiries.

About Navia:

Ahh... Navia, me and her would get into strange situations all the time, being with her is like being a kid again being to cause havoc wherever we go, then in comes Clorinde...

About Clorinde:

I remembered when she was just a young captain, eager for a good fight, I was the champion dueler for a while... Until I got bored and decided to let Clorinde win. It was the best decision I made, also, is it normal to wake in the home of your friend after going out to dinner with them? What's with that look?

About Lyney:

If he says I'm too demanding, then tell him that "if you want good music, then have everything perfect"

About Lynette:

I like her style more than Lyney, oh... What a shame, she barely even seems to care about the performance.

About Wriothesley:

We may look intimidating, but in reality he's just a serious man with a strange sense of humor...

About Charlotte:

I've been playing a game recently, to see how many times I could avoid her, so far I'm 22 to 0.

About Arlecchino:

She... It is interesting, I've seen her around Fontaine many times and every time I pass by her, I get a sense of being watched by thousands of eyes... It's unsettling.

About Venti: 

Don't be fooled Traveler, It's all an act, He is hiding something behind that masquerade of Drinking. 

About Zhongli: 

That old man? Hehe, I talked to him a couple of times, he reminds of Neuvillitte, the difference is He could go for hours on the subject, it's some pretty good material for music. 

About Ei: 

I expected her to more... serious and maybe a bit mean, but she was pretty gentle and kind, Perhps she is a bit of a shut in, but I don't know what else to expect from someone who hid herself away to find eternity.

About Nahida: 

Isn't rather odd that we're both nearly the same age and yet, Her knowledge far exceeds most Ancient beings, well I guess it should be expected for her being the god of wisdom.

About Y/n:

Me, well, all you need to know is that I'm a composer.

About Y/n II:

I've been with many people in all may years alive, but I've never been in a good relationship, like seriously, who decided that? 

About Y/n III: 

Being made purely out of elemental energy gives you different properties, I'm sure you could imagine, technically I don't need to eat food to get energy, any place that has a lot of hydro energy could give me a lot of energy. So just being in Fontaine is enough to feed, but that doesn't mean I don't get tired... *yawn* Sometimes I get exhausted after a very long day. 

About Y/n IV: 

I'm not really that interesting, if anything, I'm pretty boring. Oh...? Hehehe, please your praises are to saved for other people far more deserving of praise... I see... I'll take your compliments to heart then...

About Y/n V: 

It's getting late already? Ehehehe... Thank you very much for taking time, to talk to me traveler, most of my time is spent alone composing songs, thank you very much, I appreciate your genuineness, your attention, and your kindness. I enjoy each second, we spend with each other, thank you again my dear friend. 

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