Breakfast At The Ministry

Start from the beginning

Closing the door behind her Albany looked both ways before she ventured down the hallway, the unholy church was still silent. It was early, but she knew one spirit who would be awake at this hour. Papa Nihil, he never slept through the night. He spent his nights wandering the hallways of the Ministry, he napped mostly through the daylight hours. She continued walking until she reached the kitchen, lingering in the doorway she rested her hand against the door frame. Papa Nihil was already sitting at the dining table, he was reading his morning newspaper. The table was already laid out with plates and coffee cups. It seemed like Sister had been busy this morning, she had toasted bagels and made a fresh pot of coffee. Sliced fruit and cereal, the scent was inviting. Venturing forward she entered the kitchen, taking her normal place at the table she soon caught her Father's attention.

" Good morning, Papa." She said.

" Good morning, my child." He smiled while he looked up from his newspaper. " How are you today?"

" I'm good, how are you?" She asked.

" I'm still dead." He replied.

" I'm sorry to hear about that, Papa." She said.

" Hopefully I will be reunited with my body very soon." He said.

" Yes, that would be better for everyone." She said.

" I can't wait to go touring again." He said with a hopeful smile. " I miss the stage and limelight. My saxophone solo went down a storm in Mexico until I dropped dead. I miss performing, it takes me back to my younger days."

" I know, I'm happy for you Papa." She said.

" Can you turn the page in my newspaper for me please?" He asked before he gestured his hand towards his newspaper. " Sister went to get some more milk, I can't turn the page because I'm dead."

" Of course." She replied.

Albany reached over the table and turned the page  for him in the newspaper, he thanked her before she sat back down on her seat. Pouring herself a cup of coffee she soon heard Sister entering the kitchen, her high heels clicking against the tiled floor she soon joined them at the table. She looked exhausted, the last few months had taken it's toll on her. Sister Imperator hadn't stop working while Copia had been touring North America, she and Papa Nihil had kept the Ministry a float until his return.

" Finally, I can have a moment to myself!" Sister said with a soft sigh. " I've been busy since the moment I woke up this morning, the paperwork is piling up and I've got to go through the Clergy finances this afternoon. Not to mention I need to arrange for the tailor to sow Cardi's papal robe, he somehow managed to tear the hem again. He really needs to learn to be more careful with his outfits, they're expensive."

" I could sow it." Albany said. " It wouldn't cost you anything, I use to sow clothing all the time for my Brothers."

" Thank you for the offer, my dear." Sister said, she patted her hand. " But my little C needs a professional tailor, he's worth the cost."

" I understand, it's fine." Albany smiled.

" And where's the boy right now?" Papa asked.

" He's on his way." Sister said before she poured some milk into her coffee cup. " I saw him outside of his room, he was talking to his rats again."

" He better not be bringing his rats with him." Papa said.

" He won't, he knows the rules." Sister said.

" He's always late for breakfast, never on time." Papa said.

" Don't start that again!" Sister sighed.

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