Chapter 3: Yo Ho Ho, How Dare You

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~~~Joey's POV~~~

I watched as Sausage kissed the man holding a knife to his throat. It startled the ginger, his muscles loosening in shock, the knife dropping from my friend's jugular as he tore himself away and scrambled back several steps, staring at Sausage in shock.

"Very good friend of yours, then?" I inquired, giving the redheaded man an appreciative look.

In all fairness, he was quite good-looking. Not as hot as me, of course, but still quite pretty. I'm not surprised he caught Sausage's eye, with that vibrant red hair like flames and blue eyes just as fiery, a pale blue that seemed to burn from the inside.

I was, of course, the sexiest person on board. A dark leathery shirt was draped over my shoulders...and only my shoulders, leaving my chest and midriff on full display, one can't leave this kind of muscle under clothing after all. My arms were concealed by my captain's coat, one edged with faded gold and trailing with red, and my jeweled belt cinching my waist and decorated with chains.

My hat was placed to draw attention to my beautiful, shining golden hair, tumbling to my shoulders in a wave of gold. Actual gold- I, of course, dipped the ends of my hair in molten gold, because why stay with boring blonde hair when you could have actual golden hair?

Ginger was still very cute, though. Maybe I could steal him from Sausage for a night or two. I vaguely remembered seeing him around somewhere, although I could've sworn his hair was longer...

The man glared at everyone on board, and, apparently not sensing a threat from anyone, slid his dagger back into his belt, although not before pointing it at Sausage in a clear threat. The poor man was still on his ass, staring at Ginger with a look of slightly fearful awe.

After looking himself over, the man began to sign.

All pirates know sign language, so we can communicate during storms or in times when we need to be silent. It also works as a code, because only pirates know this specific dialect of sign language.

"Who are you, and why have you done this?" He signed.

"I don't know, man, ask him," I said aloud, tipping my head towards Sausage, who had finally gotten up. "This was all his idea."

Ginger stared at me for a second, face blank, and signed. "I'm signing for a reason, idiot. I'm deaf."

"I'm Sausage," Sausage signed, smiling cheerfully at him.

"You're the man who keeps stalking me." Ginger signs. Sausage winces.


"Well-" Sausage begins, but I interrupt, signing, "First off, I am not an idiot, how dare you say that, and second, who the hell are you anyways?"

Ginger frowned. "I'm Fwhip Tay," he signs. "And you are?"

I sniff haughtily. "Everyone knows me," I inform Fwhip Tay. "I'm Joey Graceffa."

Fwhip Tay blinks. "The fuckboy?" He signs, confusion on his face.

I draw myself up, outraged, as Sausage and the two people he brought with him burst into laughter. "I'm sorry?? The fuckboy?" I sign furiously.

"Yeeees?" Fwhip Tay replied, stretching out the sign. "Are there any other Joey Graceffas I should know about?" He asked sarcastically.

This bastard, I thought with fury. I lunged for him and saw him shift into a defensive stance right before I crashed into him, hands reaching for his throat. He twisted around, shoving me off and trying to draw his knife again, but I punched him in the eye first, snapping his head back.

He surged back up, fist colliding with my stomach, and I would've retaliated, but a hand closed on the back of my jacket, yanking me off Fwhip Tay, while someone else- Sausage- pulled him out of the way, holding him back as Fwhip tried to lunge for me again. That man has anger issues, I grumbled mentally.

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