How it started

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Quackity POV Present Tense

I was running for dear life going as fast as my little legs could. I was a college student. How the hell did I even end up in this mess of running from two of the most wanted psychopaths! As I run into an alley I find that it's a dead-end 'Shit'. I think I hear the pounding of feet growing closer by the second I turn around and see two figures, one about 5'11 with brown hair and brown eyes. The other is around 5 '10 with jet black hair and a white bandanna with brownish orangish eyes. Before I have a second to find a way out of this I'm being pressed against somebody's body with a cloth over my mouth. I suddenly blacked out and the 5'11 man was carrying away the last thing I remember.

Quackity's POV Past Tense before all that happened

I was walking off of my college campus because all of my classes for the day had finished so now I had to go to my stupid fucking job as a barista once again. I guess it isn't so bad because my brother George and my sister Hannah also work there, but they have this week off because they're going on a trip with my dad Sam and Ponk. They invited me but I declined because I had important projects to do this week. I got a notification on my phone that two men wanted for a mass amount of crimes are still on the loose with the names of Karl Jacobs and Sapnap. That frightened me because they were last seen in the Las Nevedas district and that is where the coffee shop where I work is located. But I put my phone away as I arrive at the coffee shop and I walk in. I go to the back change into my work uniform and go back out to the work area where I start my shift it's around 2:35 pm when I start working

Time Skip! It's now 11:35 pm because Quackity had to work late

As I finished locking up the coffee shop I put my Airpods in and started listening to Pitbull on Spotify. Then I started walking to my shortcut to get back to my apartment downtown. I heard some rustling in the distance and I looked back a little bit and saw two men slowly walking behind me. So just as anyone else would I started to speed up my pace walking slightly faster than before. I made some sharp turns to try and get them off my trail but because I did that I'm completely lost. So then I ran into an alley. That's when we come back to the present tense. :]

(Authors note: my hands hurt :[ )

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

You're ours Karlnapityजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें