Chapter 4 - little banter

Start from the beginning

I wake up in my bed, a few minutes before my alarm goes off. Luna is already up and ready, watering the plants in our room.

"Very good morning J" she says.

When I told her yesterday about the whole incident in the dark forest and Draco recognizing the ancient magic, she was shocked.

"Morning. What are you doing up so early though?"  I ask curiously, getting out of bed.

I make my way to the bathroom to pee and wash my face. Luna enters our bathroom, watering the plants in there as well, while I'm washing my face.

"Couldn't really sleep you know. I was thinking about Draco actually"  she replies, with a thoughtful look on her face.

To my surprise, a weird feeling creeps into me, feeling almost like – jealousy. Why should I care if Luna is taking an interest in Draco? It's not like I actually know him or spent time with him anyway. But she was spending a lot of time near the dungeons and with Malfoy's best friend – Blaise Zabini. Besides, they were somehow related anyway. But then again, almost all purebloods were.

"If he can recognize the magic, maybe he knows more about it. This could lead us to your biological family Jean. I think we should ask him for help"  she explains, handing me my face wash.

I take it from her and put some on my fingers.

I look at her unsure, "I don't know. What if he tells someone? I don't know him and he's a Slytherin"

But Luna doesn't look convinced at all, in fact, she looks unfazed by my words.

"Then why wouldn't he have told the others straight away, instead of lying for you?"

"Good point. That was before he found out I have a study date with Potter though, that might change things"   I reason.

She shrugs it off and leaves to change her clothes, while I clean my face and apply some light makeup for school. It's Friday today, which means after school we'll go to Hogsmeade. I put on my white shirt, then my blue and black checkered skirt, some black tights and put on my blue tie. Suddenly there is a knock on our door, weird. I quickly put on my black platform heels and grab my blazer from my chair on the way to the door. I open it to find a slightly annoyed Professor Flitwick.

"Ms Johnson, Headmaster Dumbledore has requested you to his office"

The rhythmic click of my heels resonates through the stone corridors of Hogwarts as I make my way to Dumbledore's office. The gargoyle guarding the entrance shifts aside, revealing the spiral staircase with each step I ascend, like each time I visit his office. Anticipation grows with each click, a rhythm matching the weight of the revelation awaiting me.

Dumbledore's office bathes in a warm, golden glow, the air thick with ancient knowledge. His piercing blue eyes meet mine as I enter.

"Ah, Miss Johnson, do come in,"  he welcomes, gesturing toward a chair.

Seated, the click of my heels silenced momentarily, my nerves buzzing. Hagrid's disclosure about the Forbidden Forest lingers, and I brace myself for Dumbledore's wisdom.

"Magic has a way of revealing itself when it's needed most,"  Dumbledore muses, his eyes holding a depth of understanding that reassures and intrigues.

"Ancient magic, especially so. It senses the essence of the wizard or witch wielding it."

The weight of revelation lifts, replaced by cautious curiosity. I dare to inquire about the source of the ancient magic surging within me. Dumbledore's response paints a picture of a unique connection to ancient forces—a rare gift.

Exiting his office, the cool stone floor beneath my heels feels oddly reassuring. The whispers of ancient magic echo in my mind, a mysterious force that has chosen me.

Walking to the Herbology greenhouse, the aroma of magical plants already fills the air. Every step on the path is softened by the damp soil beneath my heels. 

As I navigate the corridors once more, Draco Malfoy appears like a shadow in my path. His trademark smirk plays on his lips as he notices my heels clicking against the floor.

"Going for a stroll in the enchanted forest, Johnson?"  he quips, his tone dripping with sly amusement.

I offer a tight smile, unwilling to let his teasing affect me.

"No, just the usual rounds, Malfoy. Don't want to keep the enchanted plants waiting."

Surprisingly, Draco falls into step beside me as we make our way to Herbology. The click of my heels becomes a metronome to the nervous rhythm of my heart. His words weave a unique melody, and I can't help but feel a flutter in my stomach, unsure of the uncharted territory his casual charm leads us into. The height difference between us adds an unexpected layer of complexity, making me realize how small I must look next to him. I barely reach his shoulders and I'm in heels.

"What are you staring at? Scared I'll beat you in Herbology as well?"  he asks, the smirk never leaving his face.

My cheeks heat up, embarrassed by being caught staring, as my brain puts two and two together and realizes what he's just said.

"What do you mean 'as well'?"  I grab his arm firmly and make us stop in the middle of the corridor, a few meters away from our classroom.

"Beat you in potions. Snapes told me about our grades. Got a 100% and you only got 99%"  he answers, after looking at my hand wrapped around his big bicep.

My mouth hangs open. I was so sure my Wiggle potion was pure perfection. How did I let this happen? Did I let Potter distract me this much? He tries to break free of my firm hold, but I keep him in place. Not that he couldn't just walk away. Draco being so much taller and stronger than me I know he could, but he is letting me hold him back.

"Do you have anything to do with that? My potion was flawless!"  I argue slightly angry and envious, that he is that good in classes.

Most teachers use him as an example for other students, but this year was changing that. There were a few professors who were including my name in there as well, while Hermione Granger was third best in our year now, me finally taking that well-deserved place.

Draco steps closer to me as he bows his head down to whisper into my ear, "I don't need to do that, I'm just that smart darling"

I hold my breath, my heart going way too fast for a human body. Firstly, he's never this close to me, he never talks this much to me, and definitely never calls me anything other than little J or Johnson – therefore darling surprised me positively more than it should. Maybe I'm dreaming all of this, I'm sure it can't be real. What is wrong with him? I find myself longing for the bully Draco, the one who ignores me because I'm only second best, or third best, the one he doesn't think is worth his time acknowledging. My whole face is surely red right now.

I am speechless, just staring into his blue icy eyes. Then he looks to his side and automatically, my eyes follow his gaze. Classroom doors open, Professor Sprout staring, as well as the whole class, great.

"Now get your Potter-jinxed hands off of me. Obviously, he's making it easier to beat you in class"  he says as he removes my hand from his arm and we march into the classroom, greeting our professor quickly.

Whispers flutter through the air as eyes follow the unusual pair—a Slytherin, especially Draco Malfoy, venturing beyond the confines of his house.

The click of my heels harmonizes with the murmur of curiosity. Draco, undeterred, takes his place next to Pansy Parkinson, a familiar pairing that sparks no more interest than usual. To my surprise, Luna, who had been sitting with Blaise Zabini during our previous presentation, continued to sit with him, leaving the last spot for me. I'm surprised she is betraying me like this.

The symphony of clicks, whispers, and exchanged glances continues as I settle into my seat. Next to Harry Potter. The only freaking seat left. Like the universe wants us together for some reason.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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