Fading Ties🧵

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Aviannah Guzman
Mateo Chou

CharactersAviannah GuzmanMateo Chou

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3rd person point of view

There is a boy at our school that Aviannah or Avi despises. Why? Mateo acted as though he could play with girls' emotions, which is why Avi disliked that trait of his. Mateo crushed the hearts of numerous girls.
Mateo, on the other hand, despises Aviannah as much since he finds her to be extremely rude, oa, and foolish.
Sparks flew in all the wrong ways it could've , fueling a fiery animosity between them. As fate would have it, circumstances pushed them into the same social circles, which forced them to set aside their hatred and differences with each other.

Well since Avi is good friends with Teo's circle of friends they often hangout and as time passed, they discovered common interests and shared experiences,paving the way for an unexpected friendship to blossom.

Soon enough, Teo and Avi became inseparable, evolving from mere friends,their bond grew into an unspoken understanding, and soon they found themselves as best friends, sharing secrets, dreams, and the intricate details of their lives.

As expected the bond between the two of them transformed into something deeper .... A love that slowly crept into their hearts.

Inside those 10 months they evolved in many ways.
For example Teo loves giving Avi drawings, He also loves to walk Avi home, stare at her, make food for her and give her what he feels that Avi deserves.

Meanwhile Avi loves taking photographs of Teo, she loves giving teo love letters, spoiling him, tease him and also having petty fights with him.

They were actually doing okay Teo's family knows about Avi same as Avi's family.
They love spending time with each other, they love spending time, eating a delicious food and enjoy the peace yet they had to do it secretly.... cause no one knew about relationship, about them...

Avi was okay having their so called "relationship" being public but teo was hesitant he wanted things private and lowkey. He didn't want their friends to know about them. Sometimes Avi overthink that he's ashamed of her but he assures Avi in every possible way so Avi agreed keeping things private.

As time passed their relationship became toxic they will turn petty fights into big ones that leads them ignoring each other but afterwards they make up and go back to normal.

Yet, just as their connection reached its zenith, life took an unexpected turn. Mateo, driven by circumstances beyond his control, found himself drifting apart from Aviannah.
The closeness they once cherished slipped away, leaving an unspoken ache.
In the wake of their separation, Avi grappled with the void left by the absence of the his past lover. The laughter that used to echo through shared moments became a distant memory. This sudden distance left Aviannah grappling with a profound sense of loss and self-doubt. As she questioned her own worth, she couldn't help but wonder if the love she thought they shared was nothing more than an illusion.
As they navigated the unfamiliar terrain of their lives without each other, she couldn't ignore the lingering question of what went wrong.

Mateo also was also filled with the echoes of their breakup, grieving the loss of a connection. Nights were filled with the haunting melodies of memories, each note a reminder of what was. Yet, in the vast expanse of healing time, Mateo discovered a new rhythm. Amidst the melancholy, a spark of hope emerged as he crossed paths with someone who rekindled the light within him.

When Avi stumbled upon the news of Mateo's new love, a wave of sadness washed over her. In the wake of this emotional turbulence, Aviannah embarked on a journey of self-discovery, learning to appreciate her own value and strength. Little did she know, the story of them was far from over, and sometimes, the most unexpected turns lead to the most profound destinations.

loveyou guys hahahaha 🫰🏻🫰🏻

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