"I guess that makes sense. But why am I naked? And for that matter, why was I sleeping in your room to begin with?"

"McCoy and I did not think it was advisable to leave you by yourself. And since you were afraid of everyone on board Enterprise except for myself, I was the obvious choice. As for your clothes, I believe you outgrew them in your sleep."

Spock picked a torn childsized shirt out of the covers and held it up for Jim to inspect.

"Ok. Ok. That makes sense. I guess." Jim looked from the tiny shirt to his blanket covered body before straightening up.

"Well. As interesting as this is, I am naked, and I'd much prefer to not be. So I'm going to go get dressed. I'll be back to finish this discussion when I have clothes on."

With that, Jim hopped out of bed, dropping the blanket, and headed for the bathroom. Since they shared a bathroom, it was the easiest way to get to Jim's quarters from Spock's.

Spock averted his eyes from Jim's naked body. He had stared at Jim without his permission too much for one day. He felt a wave of guilt surge through him at the thought. Even though Jim was his T'hy'la, he should never have leered at him like that.

As soon as the bathroom door slid closed behind Jim, Spock got up himself. He hurriedly pulled on his clothes and ran a brush through his hair to fix it. He didn't want to be the only one not fully dressed.

It only took a few minutes for Jim to return to Spock's room via their shared bathroom. His hair was also brushed, and he was fully dressed in command gold.

As he entered the room, he spotted the brown furred teddy bear. It was lying on the floor next to the bed. He gasped and reached for it. Grabbing it, he cradled it tightly against his chest.

"Holy shit!" He whispered as he reverently stroked its ear. "Holy shit! I remember this! I remember this bear! I had it as a kid! I loved it! You gave it to me!.......... He stopped short. "You gave it to me?.......... What the fuck?"

"Jim. Do you remember?" Spock asked gently.

Jim scrunched up his face in thought as he searched his memories. "I.... I....do?" He said at last. "Holy shit! I do! It's really fuzzy and not quite right. I have memories of being on this ship as a child, but I also remember being on earth with Frank at the same time. It's like I have two memories overlapping."

He ran his hand over his face, then burst out laughing. "Did I really kick Bones?!"

"Yes, Jim. You did."

"Fuck! I can't believe I did that! Bones is never gonna let me live that down! Holy fuck!"

Jim dropped into a nearby chair, unable to stop laughing. The bear was still clutched in his arms. It took several minutes to compose himself. When his laughter eventually slowed to a stop, he turned to Spock.

"Thank you for taking care of me, Spock." He said. His tone was sincere and a touch vulnerable. "You didn't have to, and it means a lot to me that you did."

"Of course, Jim. It was my pleasure. You were a very sweet child."

"Can I keep this?" Jim held up the stuffed bear.

"Jim. It is your toy. I gave it to you. I have already told you that I will not take it away from you. I will not go back on that. It is yours. Do whatever you wish with it."

"Thank you, Spock."

"No thanks are necessary. I was happy to do it."

"If you say so." Jim smiled self consciously at Spock.

Tiny Hands, Sad EyesWhere stories live. Discover now