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The dungeon was just how Haven expected it to be.



Death hanging in the air.

And her brother was its only inhabitant since the soldiers of her army had been before their execution. He had been there for weeks, too many for Haven to count - but she'd had other priorities. Such as being Queen and attending to her husband.

Now, as she came to Aamon's cell, she couldn't help but feel a wave of triumph overcome her, seeing him there, huddled in the corner bloodied and bruised, looking pathetic.

She dressed in black mainly now, matching Steve's attire. The only time she would wear colour was when they would be celebrating. And soon they would be again. This time it would be her brother's death.

"I hope you've found your living quarters not to your satisfaction". She stared at him through the bars of the cell. He wouldn't be able to come near her anyway thanks to the shackles that kept his wrists chained to the cell wall.

Aamon simply looked at her through dark eyes. "He has really brainwashed you...you are not like him Haven".

"You did what you could to take the crown, so I'm doing what I can to keep it. We had the same goal dear brother - except I emerged the smartest. No wonder father chose me over you".


"I CHOSE HIM FOR MY KINGDOM!" She raised her voice back at him, never wavering. Not even so much as a shake in her tone. She had hardened over the months that she had spent in the Hydra city. Steve had told her that they needed a strong Queen. One who wouldn't waiver - and she would never. "He was the only one who could stop you, as well as Ronan and Killian".

"And what do you plan on doing to them? The same as you've had your men do to me? You know Killian is a strong fighter and Ronan far more advanced in tactics...you have no chance against them".

"I didn't...but now you have given me one. Thank you for telling me their strengths, because I can assure you that they will not be of an advantage to them".

Aamon shook his head slowly. "You may have your serpent, but we have an army as well as allies that make up for it in numbers and skill".

"Not for long - now I could be an evil bitch and have your head paraded on a spike back in our city for all to see, to show you were no King, to send the message to our wonderful brothers. But I won't...just your absence will be enough for them to know".

"So this is it? You're just going to kill me? No trial, just cold blooded murder".

"My reasons have already been justified and your sentence set when you tried to poison me. Treason. You would have been such an advantage in our court Aamon...really, it's a shame you can't understand why I chose him".

Aamon glared. "Well it can't be for love that's for sure. You only chose him because you knew you wouldn't succeed on your own. That the three of us would have been the last faces you saw".

"And now mine will be the last you all see..."

She turned away and began to leave, stopping as she hear Aamon's next words. "You couldn't even save your precious advisor. Lord Steven? Did you have The Serpent kill him as well?" Slowly turning back on her heel she walked back up to the cell. "I bet he was in your bed every night, fucking you into the mattress while feeding you all those bullshit lies of how to run a kingdom".

Haven chuckled and pouted at her brother, cooing her words softly. "He still is..."

Her footsteps were the only sound hear as she ascended the steps of the dungeons and left. It didn't matter that Aamon knew who her husband and The Serpent were, because he would be dead by sundown.


Steve was laid back in the bathtub as Haven walked in, arms resting on either side of it and looking deep in thought.

She came and set herself on a stool next to him, taking the washcloth from where it floated on the water and beginning to run it over his chest. "I want it done tonight. In front of the court, everyone. He knows who you are. I thought I would leave him with that last thought".

He rolled his head to the side to look at her, placing his hand on top of hers that had the cloth pressed to his chest. "You're sure?"

"Do it, I'm in the mood to celebrate one brother down". She said leaning across and kissing his lips, then releasing the cloth and allowing her hand to trail down under the water to his cock. Wrapping itself around it, it began to move in gentle strokes until he grunted his frustration.

"You do realise that this tub is big enough for two..."

"Aaaaaaand?" She smirked, her grip tightening around him a little more as he hardened in her palm.

"Get your clothes off and join me, wife".  She released him and shed her dress and underwear, his eyes watching as her slender form climbed into the tub and sat between him, cock pressed up against her back. One of his arms slid around her to pull her back to rest against him, the other now trailing down and teasing between her legs. "And what else did your good for nothing brother say?"

Haven closed her eyes and savoured this moment with him. It was rare - usually he would be working or out on a mission, or in his study. The only time they ever really saw one another was of an evening when they went to bed.

"In his tortured and delirious state, he told me that their allies are preparing to practically wage war against us. How original..."

Steve chuckled, his body rattling against hers. "Of course they are. Sam's been watching them for a while. If he thinks telling us that will let him keep his life then it's not enough".

"He already knows he's as good as dead".

She felt his lips trail across a shoulder, moving her head slightly so as he could scrape his teeth over her skin. "You have the prettiest neck..." he uttered against it. "Raise yourself up a little sweetheart, you're gonna keep my cock nice and warm inside of you".

Getting up slightly, his hands rested on her hips, guiding her back down onto him as he sat himself up a little more, making sure he was fully embedded into her. "That's my Queen...now, I think you and I need to make plans for our celebration tonight".

Ascension (Dark!SteveRogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now