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The room that Haven woke in was not the usual comfort of her own chambers. Yes, it was furnished to the same standards, perhaps higher - but this was not her home.

In fact...she had no idea just how she had come to be here, or where she actually was.

She had fallen asleep in a dismal room at an inn as both she and Steve had needed to stop for the night to rest themselves and the horses that they had taken. But right now? He was nowhere to be seen.

"And here was me thinking you'd sleep all day". A smooth female voice filled the air, and Haven sat up, seeing a red haired woman lounging across an armchair by the open doors that led onto a balcony.

"Where am I?"

"To you it's probably prison - to me? It's home". The woman smiled and swung her legs and body around to her off the chair.

Haven looked around. "Where's Lord Steven?" She demanded. "If you've hurt him..."

The woman laughed out loud now, and shook her head. "Don't worry, I never touched a hair on his head, but your little Lord Steven is dead".

Haven sat there for a moment, trying to take in the news. He was dead - her only friend and confidante was gone, and now she was here alone. In a place that she didn't know about.

"You wanted to find the serpent didn't you? Well...he found you first". The woman told her darkly. "He's been waiting until you rose from your little nap so that he could finally speak to you - apparently you have a favour to ask?"

Haven blinked, not believing what she was hearing. "I...I don't understand. How could..."

"He knows. So he brought you here, to the city of Hydra - and he's waiting to finally meet you". The woman replied and now looked at her up and down. "You can't meet him wearing those peasant clothes though, my goodness you really thought that people would think you were a servant? You look too refined for that - he wants you to wear that". She now pointed to a dress of blood red. It wasn't like the heavy gowns she had been made to wear, if anything it just looked like a thin piece of material.

"Fine". Haven muttered. "I suppose he chose the colour so my blood wouldn't show up so easily on it when he finally kills me".

The woman just leant back against the wall and shrugged. "Depends on what kinda day he's having. You could be the lucky one".

"I am about to face the man who killed my father, how could I possibly be lucky?" Haven snapped and then looked at the woman. "Could I at least have some privacy to change?"

The woman turned around the other way. "All girls together y'know. I've seen more tits and pussy emerge from the Serpent's bedroom. You getting changed really doesn't bother me".

"No, but it bothers me". Haven said, quickly changing into the slim fitting dress. She felt exposed. Her bare arms on show, while a teasing slit up the side of the dress showed some of her legs.

"Your shoes are by the bed".

Haven said nothing until finally she looked at herself in the mirror. "Is this some kind of Hydra dress code?"

The woman turned around and smirked. "No heavy ballgowns here - my name is Natasha by the way".

"I don't care, I'm about to die anyway aren't I?"

Natasha shrugged. "Suit yourself - now, follow me. The King is certainly looking forward to finally introducing himself".


Haven looked around the hallways as they walked out of the room and down them. "Is it always this dark?" She asked. 

"The city is built inside the mountain, as well as into the side of it when you venture out. It's well concealed, so no one can just 'stumble' in". Natasha explained. 

"What's outside of it? Do you ever go out?" 

Natasha snorted. "Course we do. We have a reputation to keep, so we like everyone to think that this city is somewhere you'll come to and never leave. It's just like any other though. Outside takes you to what is on the other side of the mountains that keep this place protected. More homes in the city, the market place, the harbour. We trade goods just like any other city". 

There was silence as they walked down a staircase before Haven broke it. "What is he really like? The Serpent?" 

"Probably not what you're expecting. You know him as the man who killed your father. A man who does slaughter and take. But I know him as a friend as well as my King". Natasha replied, "You wanted to find him...why?" 

Haven swallowed, "Because I need his help, and I never thought that I would end up having to turn to someone who I know wants to take my city and throne". 

"Would you give it to him? If it meant keeping your life?" 

"If it means saving it from the hands of my brothers? I'll do what I must. But only if he agrees to spare my people and me". 

"Well...guess we're about to find out". Natasha said as they approached the doors. Two guards opening the doors to a large hall. The heads of every member of the court turned as the pair now walked down the middle of the hall towards the dais where the Hydra King was sat upon his throne. 

As she drew nearer, Haven looked to the man who would probably have her on her knees, either begging for her life, and for help - but who she now saw made her blood run cold. Dressed in black, his shirt open at the chest and sleeves rolled up, while he sat there now observing her as she walked to him. A knowing, but also rather cunning smile was playing on his lips. 

The feeling of betrayal set in once more as she stopped before the man who she had considered a friend, his familiar voice sounding as he now spoke to her. 

"Hello Haven..."

Ascension (Dark!SteveRogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now