8: Call it what you want

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We're a shot in the darkest dark
But oh God is it really too much to ask?


-Jake Donfort-

No matter how hard I try to focus on the current conversation around the table, it's a futile effort. My eyes keep finding the dome-shaped corridor where Jameson Meadows disappeared and after him, MC, too. It has been thirty two minutes and there is no sign of either of them. And of course I would know that because I've been staring at their only- most likely- way out the entire time.

The restlessness is because of the unpredictability of tonight's events. I remind myself of that. Everything could go perfectly fine or terribly wrong tonight and the consequences of the latter are losing my chance at a normal life. Right. My wariness has nothing to do with her. This is one thing I can trust her with and the more time they talk, the more information can be gathered.

But anyhow, why are they taking so long?

I try to divert my attention from them and engage in the conversation. Noah has Olivia, his friends Kyle, Sara, Adam and I seated around a circular table in the far corner. From here I have the perfect view of the corridor. As soon as I hear what they are talking about, I immediately regret wanting to socialise.

Olivia is once again going on about some guy and how he pretends to be too good for her. No one has even faintly brought up their family business, the Seraphic or the hacker profiles. If I bring it up, they'd be suspicious. Because Noah hasn't ever talked to me about his business and I suspect Olivia is too terrified of her father to reveal any information. My role tonight is doomed almost. All hope lies with MC now.

At that thought, my eyes again flicker to the corridor, still very empty. This is getting tedious. Where does that corridor lead anyway?

I take out my phone, checking the time. I decided to text her.

Jake: What's the status?

In about three minutes, she replies with a... picture? I angle my phone down, hiding it from everyone around the table. It's a picture taken from the back camera of the phone I gave her. She must have taken it while pretending to be on the phone because the angle is terrible. It shows one of her legs under her green dress, and somebody else's leg in black pants. It appears they are sitting on some bench.

Then, a text comes through.

MC: Going perfectly well. I have info. But we have diverted from the topic now so if you want to leave we can.

Jake: Not yet. We need to talk first.

MC: I'll try to send him away. When you see him entering the hall, come find me here.

With some level of doubt, I send my next text.

Jake: Do you want me to get you anything to eat or drink?

I could compromise with the phrasing, I admit. It seems as if I care. But in her work mood, she might not even care enough about my texts.

MC: Yes. Anything. I'm starving.

"What are you smiling about, Jake?" Noah asks and I lift my face to look at him. "Who are you texting? Is it MC?"



-Main Character-


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