"So we have been fighting to get Yasmin back all this time aswell as you. We were leaving Simon as the last obstacle as he was an Alpha and we believed he had more strength. You all are to be put to the death for being in a bloodline with your mother. Your father too but ye are first since you have her blood."

"But then father changed his mind. He no longer wanted to kill you, he wanted you for experiments. See if you had your mother in you, make you his Luna as he saw potential as he sent his pack to watch you. So don't worry, if you behave you might not have to die. And we might even let you keep Yasmins body" Melissa finally finished and I felt weak.

What was this?

This had to be fake. My whole life was different than I thought it was. Simon didn't know this either, how did we go so long without knowing? My poor mother, all she had been through to protect us and Yasmin... YASMIN. My sister was in trouble.

I couldnt just stay here and think about this. Without them expecting it I lunged forward, biting deep into Melissa's neck. The deepest bite I've ever done and in an instant her neck was snapped and her lifeless body dropped to the ground.

Moe and Mike were frozen in shock which gave me the chance to dive on Mike, tearing into him as he whined out. Moe quickly charged at me but I moved out of the way causing him to crash into Moe who let out a yelp from all his injuries.

I dived full force, forcing my paws on Mike's neck which was already open slightly and kept digging, ignoring the pulling on my tail by Moe until his body was limp. Blood was all over my paws and I whipped around, clawing at Moe's face who yelped loudly.

He stared at his body's lifeless body then to his sister's and his body began shaking. He looked to them, anger beginning to fill his eyes as he raised them to me.But before he could do anything I dived on him, ripping into him, tearing almost all his fur and skin off.

I had never felt like such a vicious beast before but I was not holding back. The taste of blood was strong in my mouth as I continued going until I was sure he was dead.

I fell to the ground, panting hard, pain surging through my body from the harm he had caused me before hand and at all the work I had just put in. My eyes were wide and I was bloodthirsty. Anyone who came in my way would die and they would die painfully.

I pushed myself up weakly before looking back at the dead bodies. I was a killer now. Suddenly realization his me again. Manny...

Where was Manny?

I tensed up as I sniffed the air and glance around me in the dark place but felt no presence. A scream broke out in the distance and I quickly recognized it as Yasmins. Panic surged through my body and I lunged forward, running toward the sound.

The place was like a small maze and light was shed in at some parts where the rocky roof had crumbled. I sniffed the air, following her scent and slowed down as it got stronger. "Let me go! Let me go!" I heard Yasmin cry out.

I craned my neck around a corner and my eyes widened. Yasmin, in her human form, was struggling in some man's hands... Manny.

"Stop fighting!" He slapped her across the face and she let out a cry. I was about to race forward when I booming voice filled the room.

"Maisie, welcome" It was deep and threatening. I looked around for the voice before my eyes landed on a shadow. It looked like he was on some broken throne with large steps leading up to it. Looked like one of the rooms where a king would sit and command his servants.

I couldn't make out the man's face at all. "Maisie!" Yasmin took my attention away from him as my eyes landed on her. I automatically ran forward until the man shouted 'Stop'. I don't know why but I did... and I had made the right decision.

"Look around her neck and wrists..." The voice said calmly. My eyes focused on her neck and I noticed some collar like thing around her. It looked like metal or some sort of silver thing. But if it was wouldn't it be burning her skin. The same things were around her wrists now, only smaller like the size of bracelets.

"Maisie.. I advise you to shift. Then I'll explain" The voice said and I could tell he was taking pleasure from the incident that was unfolding. I let out a low growl, indicating that I wasn't going to shift.

"Manny" The man said and I heard Yasmin cry as Manny slapped her across the cheek hardly. My head snapped toward them and Yasmin looked at me, putting on a weak smile. "I-I'm okay" She tried to keep her voice steady and my heart broke slightly.

"Shift Maisie" The man sounded like he was growing angry, "I even left some clothes for you in the corner. Now if you don't want your little sister to get stabbed... then you better do as I say you worthless bitch".

I hesitated momentarily but finally did as I was told. I slowly made my way to the corner, making sure to keep an eye on Yasmin so Manny wouldn't hurt her no more. "Father, do you know where my brothers and sister-"

"SILENCE MANNY!" The man growled and Manny immediately shut up, although I noticed anger in his eyes. He looked so menacing and intimidating even though he was just in his human form.

It didn't take me more than one minute to shift back and hurriedly throw on the clothes. Only now did I realise how scared I was. Fear was taking over my body and I felt my hands shake lightly but I ignored it for Yasmin's sake. I couldn't cave in now.

I walked back over to where I was before with my head held high. If only I could see the person they call 'Father' but it was way to dark up there.

"What does Yasmin have on her?" I asked, my voice not breaking which gave me a boost of confidence. I heard a dark chuckle from the man before he clapped suddenly. I looked toward Yasmin and I noticed a lone tear make it's way down her right cheek.

It took me everything not to go and run over to her.

"Oh it's amazing is what it is. It's kind of like a shock collar in a sense. You do not want to know how many volts are in there... if I press this button here-" I noticed the man hold up some sort of remote even though it was dark and hard to see, "it causes death. Not even a werewolf can stand it since it's made of a special silver for our kind so it will injure more. I'd say after the shock you'd die... say one or so minutes after".

I felt sick hearing all this and I could see Yasmin shake slightly. I reached out my hand toward her, wanting to tell her it would be alright. "No no no... touch her and she dies. Oh did I forget to mention... touch her and the shock will be passed on to you. You may even die aswell, pretty amazing right?".

Yasmin, even though she was out of arms reach anyway, moved away more just so I wouldn't get hurt. My heart felt like it was ripped apart.

"What do you want?! You sick twisted cunt, tell me what you want" I couldn't hold my anger in anymore as angry tears filled my eyes and my fists clenched.

"What do I want? I want you to choose..." He chuckled and I could see him pushing himself up from the stairs and moving closer but keeping in the shadows so he still couldn't be seen.

"Choose?" I asked, confused by his order.

"Choose who dies" I stared at him in confusion until I heard footsteps. I turned around and my heart dropped when I saw Lauren being dragged in by two other men. She was bleeding from her head and had silver cuffs around her wrists.

She looked up at me weakly and I could see she was in some pain. "I'm s-sorry. They tricked me" She cried softly. The two wolves who shifted dragged her over beside Yasmin who was now slightly crying aswell as she watched Lauren.

Why was this happening? This wasn't the plan... why?! We did nothing!

"Maisie... you have ten seconds to choose".

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