Acquaintances (1)

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Zack POV:
I was standing around the examination table observing a shattered fibula when I heard the sound of someone walking into the room.
I glanced up and she was opening a drawer full of of  human remains, drawer 192. I worked on the case myself.
"what are you doing?" I asked bluntly and for some reason I was now tightly holding the shattered fibula in my hands.
"going over a case for a research paper." She stated and just as soon as she came in she left. Before I got her name.
it was now 3 am and I was logging evidence into the computer because "Angela can't read the case file to find specific injuries to make a reconstruction" so I must to type it into the computer instead of paper. I do both.
I head the sound of someone walking in and it's her again, she slides the drawer back into place and pulls out her phone from her back pocket, her lab coat showing the back of her jeans for a split second. "Your not supposed to be on your device without taking off your gloves" I said still typing. "and your not supposed to manually log notes after writing them down on paper but here we are" she said before clicking off her phone and putting it back in her pocket. "Well yes but.. I get a headache when I look at a computer screen too long." I stated and went back to typing but stopped when I realized she took off her gloves and was walking towards me. She leaned over me slightly and was typing something I'm not sure of but I froze. Her necklace hanging inches from my face. "there" she said standing up straight.
"what?" I said confused and focusing back on the screen. "Click the space bar when you want to record yourself talking, it will type whatever you say into the online version of the file, you don't even have to look at the screen" she smiled slightly and I swear I felt my pulse in my forehead. "how did you do that?" I questioned.
"magic" she raised her eyebrows jokingly and turned around. "thank you dr.."
"Davis but call me maya dr?"
"Addy. Zack addy."
Her name was short and pretty and I felt like saying it a thousand times over and over again.
I didn't see her for another 2 days before she started walking past me or quickly dropping something off at someone's desk. About a week later she came into the platform and grabbed multiple evidence trays for the metal table.
"sorry to interrupt in taking samples to your office Dr Hodgins" she said marking something down on a price of paper.
"No worries, oh yeah dude this is Dr Davis she's my new assistant" Hodgins said nudging my arm in a "dude way". "Hello maya" "hello Zack"
I caught myself slightly smiling.
"You two know each other?" Angela asked smiling. "We met when I first started" she said smiling at me "bye Zack" she said before turning around with a tray full of insects in her hands.
I went back to work and Hodgins nudged my arm again "bye Zaaaackkkkkkk" he was teasing me and I'm not sure why.
I started seeing her more and more through my days but we never really talked but I always wanted to know what she was thinking.

This went on for weeks and the only time I've seen her was when she accidentally dropped a piece of evidence on the table and laughed and tossed her head back, when she seen me looking at her which for the record I didn't realize I was doing she stopped laughing and made this face of panic but was still smiling and then went back to work. Her  laugh was soft but also slightly loud it was.. nice.

Near the end of the case she got a phone call and answered it, she didn't say anything but I noticed a tear slowly toll down her cheek and she quickly wiped it away and hung up the phone.
She tapped her fingers on the desk repeatedly while "working" but she was just sitting in her desk looking at the evidence in front of her with tears in her eyes.
"Are you okay.?" I whispered, I don't know why I whispered but I did.
"I'm okay Zack don't worry about it everything is fine." She said before getting up and walking out the door quickly. I was in the middle of something kind of important to the case but I got up and slowly walked int he same direction as her almost as if it were instinctive.

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