"tell me about yourself:

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.....V- so how is it going over there?

.....B-great Claire is the sweetest little gir

.....V-what about jug?

.....B-god why didn't you tell me he was hot af

......V-oooooo some one has a crush.

......B-its not like that he is basically my boss.

......V- it'll all be fine but I gotta go

.......B-ok bye


  I walk downstairs and Claire runs to me, I pick her up and we walk into the kitchen where I see Jughead drinking coffee B-how would you like some breakfast munchkin C-yes pwease: I giggle and place her in a chair B-mr jones would you like some breakfast J-ohh no thanks I have to work in a sec B-yeah ofc I get it: I make Claire some eggs and Jughead leaves into his office: after she eats I wash the dishes and I hear a knock on the front door, I open it and Veronica jumps in B-whoa wtf? V-AHHHI AM GETTIGN MARRIED B-omggg v that's amazing: she jumps in my arms and we laugh and hug C-yay auntie v is getting married: we laugh and jug runs into the room looking worried J-what happened is everybody ok OML who died??? V-god jug calm down nobody died butttt I am getting married J-i am so happy for you: he hugs Veronica V-and I was wondering if betty would be my maid of honor B-omg v are you serious V-ofc I love you like a sister you have always been there for me: I hug her again B-i love you too v V-and can I please take Claire with me today J-yeah ofc C-yayyy.

      After v left with Claire I really didn't have much to do so I just went into my room and read a book, after about an hour I go downstairs for a drink, I go into the kitchen and see Jughead B-oh hey J-hi B-so when will Claire be back J-tomorrow in the afternoon B-ok so um how is work going J-good B-ok now it's awkward have a good rest of your day: he laughs and I go to my room and put shorts and a tank top on wiht my hair down: after laying down for a little I go out and decided to do the laundry bc I am bored af I go into jugs room wiht a basket an knock on the door J-come in: I walk in and see him writing on a computer B-hey do you have any laundry J-no I am good I already did laundry last night B-ughh J-damn I ain't never seen someone that disappointed about not being able to do laundry B-yeah well I am very bored J-lets do something bc I am bored too: I laugh and set down the basket B-like what J-uhmmmm tell em about yourself B-well um got disowned by my family at 16 moved in wiht Veronica after that I just been looking for work and never got a steady job, that's really it. What about you J-well I lived with my dad until 17 my mom left when I was 14 I got soem girl pregnant after a hookup and she just dropped Claire off at my doorstep one day B-wow I am sorry J-dont be it's fine: we stare into eachothers eyes for a minute until I look away J-welp Claire is the best thing in my life rn so I am kinda thankful B-she is a great kid you did a great job raising her J-thank you: I go to walk out of the room but he stops me B-whats wrong J-i-i: before I know it he kisses me, he looks at me to see my reaction but I just pull him back in for a kiss.

         The kiss gets heated quick and he pushes me up against the door and picks me up bye my legs, he throws me on the bed and gets on top of me, I take his shirt off mine following, he kisses down my neck definitely leaving a hickey, I unbuckle his jeans and he throws them on the floor, right now we are just in our underwear,he flips me up and onto his lap, I reached behind me and unclip my brawl: it drops to the floor J-god you are beautiful: [[[I think yall know what happens next]]]]😉

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