Author's Note

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In 2021, a friend and I had a book idea which we willingly went through with.

This is a refurbished version of an original book me and my friend Abbirose_offical made.

As I was editing the original, I realised how much work it needed and so here I am, fixing it.

To be honest, this is does not romanticise the mafia or any sort of crime-involved lifestyles, (to answer truthfully most people involved in the mafia usually are middle aged ugly men). Regardless, it does not go without mention that topics mentioned throughout this story (substance abuse, child abuse (trafficking), sexual assault and abuse, violence), are still very real and actively happening currently.

Besides that...... I really do hope you enjoy the book, it's a work in process so bare with me as I understand the flow of things.

-Lots of Love, E

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