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The upbeat and uplifting instrumental music poured in through my headphones as I soared down my street. I had been out running for half-hour–the perfect exercise for a slightly cool summer day like today. Reaching out, I let my right hand brush leaves of passing trees as I soared by.

A thick leafy branch overhanging the side of the road came into view. With a smile, I made fists with my hands and picked up my pace–sprinting as hard as I could.

As I passed just below the branch I mustered all my stretch and jumped up. My hand just barely skimmed the edge of a few leaves and I was hastily on my way–never stopping for a second.

Within a few minutes the familiar sight of my family's ranch style house came into view. Now I ran even harder, if that was possible.

When I arrived at the property line in front of the white house, I slowed down to a walk, breathing heavily but not overtired. I always enjoyed the exhilaration of going on a run or walking down my neighborhood street. As it was a side road, we received barely any traffic, except for a few, occasional speeders. Living in one of the outlying country towns of Virginia–had its pluses: the nature, fresh air, animals and quiet. I never wished to call anywhere else home. But little did I know how much my life was about to change and all because of one simple yes

Slipping my headphones off, I checked the mailbox for any mail–nothing. Mail must not have come yet. I slid my bag, which carried my tablet that I used to listen to music, off my shoulder and walked up the driveway. I was sweaty even in my yellow tank top shirt and black shorts–but it was a good sweat, a satisfying one. Even though I was hot, I had just done a half-hour straight of running and that was some feat. Someday I hopes\d to participate in a five-K and win.

In any event, today was a great day. I finished school early as I was homeschooled, and summer was nearing; boy was I glad to do extra earlier on in the season. Now the sun was setting and a cool breeze was starting to whip up–the perfect thing to cool me down.

Maybe if I asked nicely, my aunt and uncle would not mind me walking down to the nearby Stewarts, where I could get an ice cream cone. My aunt and uncle always worried about letting me walk or go anywhere on my own–I am lucky to be able to walk down our side-street. I guess this is due to the fact that they had lost their own son in a car accident five years ago; I still miss Timmy, he was a very sweet toddler.

Anyway, the thoughts going through my head now, was how I was going to convince them with a logical argument that I was old and mature enough as a ten-year-old, to walk a mile down the main street by myself.

    Infact, my mind was so busy with these thoughts that I almost forgot that I had locked the door earlier on my way out. Fishing out the key from my pocket, I placed it in the lock and turned it. The door slid open and I entered. My Aunt and Uncle had gone to the bank but they would soon be back and I could try to convince them to let me get my cone.

    I flipped the hallway light on, and hurried briskly down it–maybe we had some ice cream in the freezer I could "steal" to tide me over with.

Tossing my bag towards the kitchen table, I turned towards the fridge. It took me only a few minutes to locate a bin of chocolate-peanut butter swirl. "Yes!" I exclaimed, snatching the container up. I shut the fridge with my foot as I opened a cabinet door and fetched a bowl out.

I set both on the counter and then grabbed a spoon out from the utensil draw in the center counter. Now I was all set.

Excited, I opened the container only to find that it was empty. "Seriously?" I scowled. "Who puts away a container of Ice cream when there is only one scoop left!"

With an disgusted sigh, I pushed the lever to open the trash can and threw the container out. I turned to go back to the fridge when suddenly the doorbell rang.

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