"He didn't tell you why they gave it to you?"

   "He gave some shitty excuse. Something about generational power, and keeping the secret after his parents did it to him."

   "Was your mom a supe too?"

   "Yea she had telekinesis, sort of like me, but after what happened mine are more drawn from emotion and less controllable than her powers were. It's like my minds unstable after everything.. I mean I had complete control before."

   "I'm so sorry Ari."

   "It's fine. I've gotten used to it." Ari went quiet, looking down in her lap, knowing she needed to tell her the truth now.

   "What happened?" Athena put a hand on her shoulder, a comforting hand letting her know that she would still be her friend no matter what.

   "I started partying every weekend, I mean every single weekend, and sometimes random days of the week. I did drugs, and drank till I was shit faced. But my dad didn't care, 'cause I still made almost perfect grades. It's like I never forget things, everything I learn I remember, a blessing, and a curse." 

   "Shit Ari, I didn't know that."

   "Only a few people do. And it gets worse, like a hundred times worse." She paused taking a deep breath in, almost bracing herself for what's to come. "I was really drunk one weekend after my dad said some shit to me. A part of me had disappeared. I was past my limit completely, and I had no control of myself at all, including the control of my powers." A tear ran down her face making her stop to wipe it off, before she continued.

   "My friends wanted to take me home. When I got the car I just started crying, like these awful uncontrollable tears, and they tried to calm me down, but it was too late. I closed the car in on us, I mean I would have crushed myself too if it wasn't for my brother, following in the car behind us."

   Athena held her as she struggled to make out her next words.

   "The worse part is that I don't even remember doing it. I don't remember killing my friends. And apparently there was another survivor, until I killed them in a panic. My brother and dad had to help me cover it up, so that the whole accident just disappeared. It's not fair. They're dead while I'm still living. "

  Ari started sobbing. She hated herself for what she did.

  "Ari you didn't mean to. I know you would never do that on purpose. And it's over. It's been years." Athena said in a comforting tone.

  "I just remember the after math. People knew we all left together, but I was the only one who made it home that night out of the five of us. It raised some questions."

   "I'm sure."

   "I'm sorry." Ari quickly changed her mood, wiping any remaining tears off her face. "I shouldn't only be talking about me. I haven't even seen your powers, what did your parents say about compound v?"

   "Ari don't be sorry. I am, you went through so much." Athena continued to hug her.

   "It's okay. Please just tell me. I need something to get this shit off my mind."

    Athena breathed in, giving a nod. "They told me that they gave me compound v because they thought it would make me a hero, and much more a goddess like my name sake. I just feel like there's so much pressure to be exactly that."

    "Athena's the goddess of wisdom and war right?" Ari asked, remembering the little Greek mythology she learned in one of her literature classes.

   "Yea, it's just this sick joke that the compound v gave me powers that seem similar to hers.. I know every move someone will make before it happens and I have more knowledge than other people in fight strategies. It's like I just know random things and facts, that's what's always made me such a great student and that's what made my parents practically praise me."

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