11 - Punch

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When the manager told Chan that Hyunjin had accepted the offer to leave the group and start solo, it felt like a hard punch in a stomach

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When the manager told Chan that Hyunjin had accepted the offer to leave the group and start solo, it felt like a hard punch in a stomach. But an actual punch would stop hurting eventually. This doesn't pass.

Sure he expected this, but it hurts nevertheless. He wants him to be happy and to accomplish more. His happiness is the most important thing to him.
But damn he also selfishly wants him by his side.

When they find themselves alone in the apartment, Chan approaches him:

- So I hear you brought the decision.
You probably thought about it for a long time. But don't worry, it's a good choice.

- Do you want me to stay?

Not the question he expected...

- It's not going to be easy with one less member. But, I fully support you.

- Do you want me to stay? - Hyunjin repeats now already annoyed at Chan.

- Ahhh don't worry about what I want, what do I even know... I'm not in your shoes.

- Then I have decided.

Sometimes, a few words can drain more energy than an hour of a gym session.

<<< ~~~~~~~>>>

Two days pass since that little talk, and Chan's nowhere to be seen.
Finally, Jisung and Changbin go to find him. It's not unusual for him to spend all night working, sometimes he just curls up on a sofa and takes a nap. But he's usually back at the dorm by 9am the latest, ready to hit a gym or to make work plans with the staff. This time, it seems several days and nights merged into one long studio session with no end in sight.

So, they lean on a studio door and knock first (in case he has a girl in there, you never know).

- Chan...

- I'm working!

- No, you're not. You're killing yourself.

- Go away!

Changbin is not having it. He types in the pass code, and opens the door.

There is an old, half eaten ramen at a desk and several cans of energy drinks. Bathroom fan is on, who knows if Chan even realizes that, and floor is covered with pieces of paper.
Chan looks like he didn't sleep for days. He tries to get up and show them he's perfectly fine but somehow the floor hits him in a face.

- Man, we're getting you out of here.

- No, just one more part...

- We're not discussing this! You told me to stop you when you overwork yourself. That's today. You're coming with us.

- Changbin, wait, wait, Changbin, wait...

Chan tries to push back but he also feels like his body's involuntarily leaving the studio. He can't believe Changbin got so strong he can make him do that. Jisung picks up his stuff and locks the door behind them.

- Guys, I'm fine. You're overreacting.

- That's okay, we're taking you to eat something.

- Yeah, what?

- It's a surprise.

Although Jisung and Changbin don't know how to take care of someone, they try. They bring Chan home and order food.

- Maybe we should put sleep medicine in his soup?

- Yeah, do that. He needs sleep.

They make him eat, and he eats on an automatic pilot, without care. As they leave him knocked out on a bed, they wonder what the hell happened. This is not a normal behavior for him. He's always been annoyingly reliable, their rock, always perfect, always happy.

The next day, after 12 hours of continuous sleep, Chan gets up looking... actually good. He looks refreshed, better. Jisung and Changbin check him out head to toe as he's walking to the kitchen.

- Hey man, you look better today.

- Now we know what to do when you work too hard. We need to feed you and put you to bed. Just like a little baby.

- Thanks guys.

- Chan, you can tell us is something's bugging you, okay? We're 3racha, not 1racha.

- It's nothing, really nothing. There were just too many things on my mind. I couldn't sleep and I forgot to eat... so it all crushed at once. It's all good now. I'm fine, you'll see.

- When was the last time you went to a party, huh? Or on a date? You're so single, we can open a monastery at our apartment.

- We'll change our name to "Monk's Kids".

- Now, how would a monk have kids, Jisung? 

- I don't know. Maybe he was wild before he became a monk?

Changbin takes a deep breath and loudly announces:

- Chan, we're going to have a party this weekend!! During the party, your phone will be locked together with your laptop in a secret place.

- I can lock it with my Minsung diary. - Jisung adds casually.

Chan chuckles a little. If anyone can make him laugh, it's Jisung. He knows he's is just trying to make him feel better the best way he knows - by making jokes.

- You have a Minsung diary?

- Nooo...

- Really?

- I have a missing diary.

- So.. we should put Chan's laptop with your missing diary that you can't find?

- Well... no. I actually know where it is, I just don't want you to read it.

- We don't want to read it, trust us.

- It's a bit explicit for some... - Jisung comments for himself, but still loud enough for others to hear.

Chan giggles, his eyes turn into two little lines and he can't help but imagine what kind of an explicit diary would sweet, innocent Jisung have.

Changbin meanwhile takes a deep breath and exhales. He looks like he's in pain:

- Jisung....

- Yeah?

- If you don't finally go on a date with Minho, I'll die. You're killing me with this Minsung theory.

- We're made for each other, what can I say. Eventually, Minho will see it too.

- So, we'll have a party here for Chan, meanwhile you and Minho will be sent out to run errands all night long.

- Sure Changbin, not a problem.

- I'm not worried about you! He will complain, as he always complains.

- Don't you worry about that, I'll make an invitation for him.

- Is that the invitation going to be explicit too?

- Huh, now that you suggest it...

Chan almost spits out his coffee, and holds his belly, laughing.

- What? - Jisung asks all cutely. - I could add a few visuals for him to consider. Maybe a photo of me with a flower...

- ...and nothing else?

- Maybe. - Jisung smiles adorably. 

- If you do that, I'll personally pay for your date, I swear.


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