Today, I will be meeting the girlfriends.

Apparently, after yesterdays… spill… Eleanor, Perrie and Danielle have been basically demanding to meet me. I have a feeling that, that probably isn’t good. I’m seriously freaking out about it. I was weighing the possible outcomes in my head earlier and the repercussions. So far I’ve come up with two probable happenings:

1.       a) I’ll meet them and they’ll hate me resulting in the meltdown between the boys because they can’t all be together with their girlfriends, then leading to the breakup of the band and then the destruction of the world because millions of teenage girls will become weeping messes. This may result in the world exploding or human evolution being set back say two thousand years.

1.       b) I’ll meet the girls and they’ll hate me and then after some extremely tense group outings Harry will finally dump me because he’ll realise that I’m actually a socially awkward turtle.

2.       I’ll meet the girls and we’ll get along just peachy.

It’s safe to say that I’m hoping for option two or even 1. b), because at least then the world won’t self-destruct. I’m probably just over analysing the situation and coming up with completely loopy ideas but I have a reason to fear; girls are notoriously bitchy. If they feel threatened, you’re dead. If they feel uncomfortable, you’re dead. If they feel jealous of you, again you’re dead. Either way, you’re dead and dying isn’t really on my list of things to do.

“Hope?” Harry asks gently, bringing me out of my mental stupor. I look over to see him lingering in the doorway to the little tent thing.

“Hey.” I say with a smile.

“Bored yet babe?” He asks cheekily and I snort.

“No way. This is the most fun I’ve had in a decade.” I retort sarcastically. I curse under my breath as my voice shakes slightly. Why did it shake you ask? BECAUSE I’M FREAKING THE FUCK OUT!

“Hey, sweetheart, listen to me, they’re gonna love you.” Harry says gently as he picks up on my nervousness. I love how he can understand me so well.

“But what if they don’t? It could lead to the destruction of the planet! Well, not at first but just wait and you’ll see. This world only has months to live.” I ramble slightly, probably not making any sense at all. When Harry laughs I shoot him my coldest possible glare.

“What are you talking about?” He chuckles out “You know, it’s funny to think you’re worried about meeting other people, and yet, you’re so fearless to the fans.” He says, shaking his head in wonder. I begin grumbling in my mind for a while before I speak aloud.

“That is because, dear Harry, I’m a keyboard warrior!” I say indignantly, turning my nose to the air and sniffing. I hear his loud laughter from behind me as I turn my back to him. I hear soft footsteps on the marbled floor behind me before I feel Harry’s strong arms encase my waist.

“Hope, you listen to me and you listen well. You are strong, caring, beautiful, funny and just overall amazing. You just have this presence and people can’t help but like you. The sooner you realise that the better.” Harry tells me, caressing my sides gently with his fingertips. The breath from his words brushed against my neck as his cheek brushed mine. I shivered. Letting out a long breath I turn to face him, reaching my arms up to gently twine my fingers through his hair.

I stare into Harry’s eyes and my breath catches at the sincerity in his eyes. I’m trapped in the cage of his stare and arms but I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. I pull one hand from his hair, while my other continues to stoke his neck, and gently run it down his cheek and jaw before brushing it up to cup his cheek again.

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