the park

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Kyle's pov

After telling Stan the very little Bebe told me, I headed to the park. I wouldn't say we were friends really but we talked to each other because we had something in common. We were both in love with our best friends. I made it to the park and sat on the bench, waiting for Bebe. After like 20 minutes, she FINALLY showed up.

"Ugh what took you so long."
"What? I had to make sure I looked good."
"Alright, so have you talked to Wendy?"
"No way, I don't even think I can look her in the face."
"Well you have to talk to her."
"I'll talk to her when you confess to Stan."
"Oh fuck you."
Bebe just sat there with a smug face.
And with that I stood up and headed to Stan's house.

pink triangle (Wendy x bebe)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu