Part 6

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A couple of weeks later:

We are in the first weekend of this year's Formula 1 season. First race is the Bahrain Grand Prix, where we finally get to see how this year's cars perform and if we can finally break being to being a decent mid-field team, and score some good points. 

I wake up in the hotel, the sunrise glow coating my room. I wake up, get ready and head down to breakfast, where I go and find the table with the team on. I rub my eyes and slowly take a sip of water.
"Bit tired this morning, Mila?" Tom asks while taking a bite out of his omelette.
"The jet lag is kicking my ass. It took about 5 alarms to wake up this morning. How can you guys do this 23 times a year?" 
"Trust me, you just learn to cope with it." Ella says, putting some salt and pepper on her breakfast potatoes.

I get up after a little longer of waking up and make my way over to the breakfast buffet. 

I go to pull up the lid for the bacon, and as I go to take the spatula, another hand grabs it.
"Here, let me get it for you." 
I look up and it's Mick.
"Oh, hi." I say, realising how I look like I've been dragged through a hedge backwards.
Mick starts spooning my bacon onto my plate.
"This bacon isn't gonna be crispy enough for you. You like it on the verge of being charred." He says, giggling.
"You remembered." I say. 
"Of course I did." He replies.

He closes the lid of the bacon heater and smiles at me.
"I'll see you on the radio."
"See you there." I say, giving him a small smile back.

I walk back to the table after gathering the rest of my food and sit down.

Biting into the bacon, i try not to spit it out in front of everyone else. He was right. I hate it, and it's not cooked enough. I look over to his table where I can see him looking at me struggling to eat it. He winks at me, which sends a chill down my spine and makes me look back immediately.

Ella is making eye contact with me when I look back up from my plate, giving me a smirk.

"So, first proper session on the radios today, Mila. How are you feeling?" Mark asks me.
i put down my knife and fork and look at him. 
"I'm a little nervous, not going to lie. I was okay with pre-season testing because Wes was the person with the headset, but I'm excited to experience something new away from helping you guys. Get some independence here." I reply. 
"Fair enough. Well, I wish you good luck." Mark replies.
"Thank you."

Tom grabs his orange juice and holds it up. 
"To Mila's first F1 weekend. You got this." He says.
Everyone in the team holds up their respective drinks, including me and clinks them together. I cheesy smile, and look back at Mick's table again, who seems to be smiling at the cheers; like he knows its for me.

I'm kinda stuck on how to feel about Mick. I haven't spent any time with him since our meeting since we've been so busy on strategies and how we're going to approach the season, and I've been mainly in the backstage dealing with stuff instead of in the garage. I'm still upset, and that may seem a bit petty as it was 5 years ago, but I was deeply deeply in love with this boy. 

When I was at school after it happened, I went on a date once. His name was Miles, and he was a really lovely boy. Our date was going super well until he mentioned how he loved Formula 1, and how much his idol was Michael Schumacher. And, as much as Michael was an uncle to me, it kinds ruined the night because then I started comparing everything he was saying and doing to Mick, and then I couldn't finish the date because it made me too sad. 

i went home after that date and cried in my dorm with my roommate over a pint of ice cream. 

So yeah. 

But on the flip side, I can tell now that we're together and we don't really have anything to do other than be together, he wants to make it up to me, but I'm just scared of being hurt.

Anyways, I excuse myself from the table after finishing my food to go and get ready for the day.

As I enter my room, a fresh, floral smell enters the room. I enter, and as I turn the corner, there is a bouquet of babies breath mixed with white roses all neatly presented are on my desk, next to my laptop. 

i look at the note. 

To our rookie season. To us achieving our dreams. 
- M. 

And there's a phone number on the bottom. His personal phone number. 

It's Lights Out - Mick Schumacher X OCWhere stories live. Discover now