I can do this, I can do this!

With newfound determination, she reopened her eyes and peered downward into the vast void below. Darkness enveloped everything, a sea of nothingness broken only by the distant glimmers of city lights and stars. A sense of unease settled in the pit of her stomach.

...I can't do this...

At that moment, she decided to step back, allowing the others who hadn't gone to go. Tyler, visibly pumped and ready, tightened the straps over his shoulder where the parachute bag hung, and let out an enthusiastic cheer. His voice echoed through the air as he leaped into the abyss, the cheer fading away with the wind as he fell.

Following Tyler's departure, Courtney, with a mix of determination and fear, released a piercing scream as she leaped off the plane.

As Y/N watched, her attention was gradually drawn to a conversation unfolding between Sierra and Cody nearby. Nervously, she listened in while instinctively tightening the straps around her,

"Guess what, Cody-kins? Noah and Owen jumped together! Isn't that adorable? So, I was thinking we should totally do the same and hold onto each other while we drop! It'll be so romantic," She gushed, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm as she reached for his parachute.

"Uh, Sierra, not gonna happen." Cody protested, visibly uneasy.

Sierra persisted and tried to rip the parachute from his grip. "Come on! Picture this; a moment straight out of a movie. A breathtaking scene, the wind in our hair, and a heart-stopping, free-fall kiss!" she giggled at the last part, her face blushing.

Cody resisted, engaging in a tug-of-war over his own parachute. "Sierra, seriously?! I'd rather take the fall alone, thanks!"

Poor Cody,

Summoning every ounce of courage, Y/N took a step forward, her eyes locked on the abyss below. She took a decisive step forward and plunged into the void. In a moment of sheer instinct, she closed her eyes tightly, and with one hand, pulled the parachute straps. Mimicking what she had seen in countless action movies, she hoped for the best, accepting the fact that she had never actually used a parachute before.

Suddenly, she felt a jolt as the parachute bag turned into a fully deployed parachute, snapping into place. Slowing her descent and transforming her free fall into a gentle glide. The roaring wind seemed to hush, replaced by the soft rustle of the parachute billowing above her, allowing her to take in the breathtaking view of the stretch-out city beneath the starry sky.

Eventually, Y/N landed safely on the ground. She let out a long sigh of relief as she unstrapped the parachute and added it to the pile formed by her fellow contestants. Her gaze shifted toward Noah and Owen, who had an unexpected landing atop of the double-decker bus.

There, Owen sat, unintentionally crushing Noah beneath him with his weight.

"That wasn't so bad, right Noah?"  Owen said, grinning ear to ear, oblivious to the bookworm's suffering,

Beneath the blond weight, Noah weakly managed a shaky thumbs-up in response.


As everyone settled onto the double-decker bus, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling that someone was missing. Her gaze swept across the bus until she realized.

𝗘𝗡𝗘𝗠𝗬 𝗪𝗜𝗧𝗛 𝗕𝗘𝗡𝗘𝗙𝗜𝗧𝗦, AlejandroWhere stories live. Discover now