Chapter 60: I'm sorry.

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Two hours have passed since Callie and the girls left the apartment. I was anxious about the whole situation with the paparazzi, and I hoped she'd call me by now, but I'm sure she's just wrapped up in the excitement of Paris.

I've been trying to distract myself the past two hours by watching ESPN highlights, but she's still in the back of my mind, coming forward every few minutes. I sigh, thinking of her again, as I pull my phone out of my pocket to see if she messaged me. When i see there's no notifications i turn my attention back to the TV.

A knock at the door jolts me from my thoughts. Confused on who it may be, I rush to answer it. To my surprise, Chuck stands at the entrance. However, Chuck's usual composed demeanor is shattered. His eyes are red, tears streaking down his face, a stark contrast to the man I'm used to seeing unshaken.

I'm assuming him and Blair got into some sort of fight before she left. That's usually the only time I see an ounce of emotion out of him.

"Chuck? What is it?" I ask, concerned for his well-being. His voice trembles as he delivers the devastating news. "Nate, it's Callie. She's been in a car accident."

Shock freezes me in place. The sounds from the TV begins to be drowned out by the weight of Chuck's words. I feel like I can't breathe. The room feels suffocating, and a sense of helplessness settles over me. In that moment, i feel like falling to my knees..

I can't live without Callie.

And Mila.


My heart pounding, I rush to the hospital with Chuck by my side. The drive feels like an eternity, worry gnawing at me the entire time. Questions linger, but all I can think about is getting to her.

As we burst into the hospital, Blair and Serena are waiting in the hallway, their expressions a mix of relief and concern. I approach them frantically, the urgency in my voice very apparent. "Where is she? Is Callie okay?"

They point toward her room, and I sprint inside, my breath catching at the sight before me. Callie lies in the hospital bed and the first thing I notice is a black eye against her pale skin. Cuts and bruises are scattered across her once flawless face, and a breathing tube snakes down her throat.

The sight shakes me to the core. My composed facade crumbles, and tears stream down my face uncontrollably. Seeing Callie this way, when only two hours ago she was perfectly fine, completely wrecks me.

I shouldn't have let her go. I knew it wasn't safe. This is all my fault.

Surrounded by the beeping of machines and the sterile hospital air, I take a seat beside Callie. My tears flow down my cheeks, and I never let anyone see me cry but right now I don't care. Serena, Blair, and Chuck gather around the bed, their concern mirroring my own.

I manage to stammer through my sobs, "What happened?"

"It was the paparazzi..." Serena starts slowly, not wanting to upset me even more. "They were crazy Nate. They were following our car like crazy. And the next thing we knew..." she trails off, not wanting to continue as her eyes begin to water.

The room feels heavy with the weight of uncertainty, and Blair adds, "The doctors don't know when she'll wake up, Nate."

Desperation grips me, and I ask, "What about the baby?" My heart clenches at the thought of loosing Callie and Mila.

Blair's voice is soft as she responds, "They don't know yet. The doctors are still checking." The uncertainty adds another layer of torment to my broken heart.

"Let's give him some space with her." Serena says lightly and Blair Nods. The three of them make their way out of the room and I cling to her, my voice choked with emotion. "Callie, please, you have to wake up. We need you. I need you." My plea hangs in the air, echoing the collective hope that she'll hear and respond, breaking the haunting silence of the hospital room.

I sit in the chair beside her and wrap my hand around hers. I rest my head on top of her hands which muffles my uncontrollable sobs. I cant imagine life without her.


After about three hours of sitting beside Callie, crying and pleading with god the entire time, a doctor finally enters the room addressing me, "Mr. Archibald?" I rise from my place beside her, my eyes pleading for answers.

"What's going on?" I ask, desperation evident in my voice. The doctor hesitates, his expression grave. "We're not sure, Mr. Archibald. It's a delicate situation." He says and every urge inside me wants to punch him in the face.

I know they have other patients, but Callie is my life. These girls are my life and they aren't giving her the attention and time she needs.

My heart pounds as I press further, the weight of uncertainty unbearable. "What about the baby?" I implore, my eyes searching the doctor's face for a glimmer of hope.

The doctor's gaze shifts, disappointment etched on his features. He takes a deep breath before uttering the words I feared, "I'm sorry. We did everything we could."

The devastating reality crashes over me, and I crumble under the weight of grief. The room blurs as tears stream down my face. The loss is profound, and the pain cuts to the core. Callie, unconscious and beat up, and now the baby.. gone. And she doesn't even know it.

All the plans we've made. The nursery we've began to build. The home videos. Picking out baby names, and baby clothes. All for nothing.

Our worst nightmare has come true. And if Callie doesn't come back to me, I don't know if I'll be able to go on.

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