Family Re-woe-nion

Start from the beginning


I scream into my pillow.

"You stupid bitch! She was two seconds away from crying and you just leave? Are you even trying to get with her?" Divina comments, and I swear if she says one more thing I will rip the scales off of her.

"You know how I am with emotions! It was weird! It made me all soft and nice."


"Xavier really fucked you over, didn't he?"

"I just don't think I'm suitable for the comforting job! I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm kind of a bitch."

"What? Why didn't you tell me? This is brand new information!" She responds sarcastically.

I throw a plushie at Divina and it barely hits her.

"I can't believe it's only the first day of school and you've already thrown something at me three times, had two gay panics and one date with Wednesday. I don't know whether to be impressed or scared."

"Hey at least I'm moving somewhere! You've liked Yoko for what- a year? And the furthest you've gotten was dancing with her at the Rave'n before chickening out!"

"Fuck you, bitch."

"Go fuck Yoko instead!"

Divina jumps on my bed and we both quickly grab pillows to hit eachother with. We "battle" for a while before there's a knock on our window.

"Maybe it's Wednesday wanting to go on another date with you."

"Or Yoko wanting another dance at the Rave'n."

We both go over to the window to see Lucas? I open the window.

"Hey Luke, what's up?"

"I think my father is still alive."



"Your father? Didn't his life support get cut?"

"Yes! I saw him walking into this building!"

"Uhm... not to sound tone deaf or anything but we all saw his grave go into the ground-"

I cut Divina off. "What was he wearing?" I inquire.

"Just his normal everyday clothes. If anything he looks a bit fancier than usual. I'm just so happy that my father might be alive! I was struggling so much without him-"

"Something weird is going on. Come on, guys. We're going to Wednesday's dorm."

Both Luke and Vi look at eachother before imitating me. They make kissy faces and speak in a mocking tone, saying a bunch of "I love you!" and just being overall annoying.


They both shut up and follow me as I start to almost run to her dorm.

When we arrive there, Lucas is out of breath and I open the door to see Enid packing some stuff.

"What's going on?" Divina asks, as if that was helpful at all.

"I'm out of here! There is some reincarnation shit happening in here which I am not for!" Enid answers, frantically packing bags.

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