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Bianca's POV:

"Restless night to you too, Bianca."

I can't hold it together when she shuts the door. I fall back in my bed, trying hard to use my pillow to hide the crying. I'm so fucking stupid.

I am told explicitly not to tell anyone about this, and then spill my heart out to Wednesday as if she would understand. And she did, somewhat, but I don't think she gets how real it is.

She's probably encountered this same story multiple times in her morbid, grotesque books that I always catch her reading. That thought alone is enough to have me laughing aloud. She's so cute.

...I'm fucked.

I'm crying and I'm laughing and I'm probably fucking up my pillow with the mascara that's staining it right now. I need a fucking grip. Or maybe I just need to go to sleep. Yes. I like that thought better.

I just need to sleep. I get up and change into some night clothes, finally allowing myself the comfort of just being comfortable and then crawl into my bed, increasingly growing too tired to take my makeup off.

I'm fine...


Ugh, I can't believe that I have to share a hotel room with Nevermore's resident phsyco, Wednesday Addams.  This is going to be torture. She's probably going to try to smother me in my sleep. And let's not forget the fact that she speaks like a child from the nineteenth century. Were her lullabies just encyclopedias as a child?

No, they were probably some freaky goth dead people shit like... the sounds of screaming or bones cracking.

Fuck my life.

I finally get out of hiding from the bathroom to see that SHE'S CHANGING RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!

Silly me, I should've known she would have zero decorum. Of course she'd change infront of me, I wouldn't be surprised if she changed infront of incoming traffic just to see the disgusted look on people's faces.

"Like what you see?"


"In your dreams, Addams. The whole creepy goth thing might be Xavier's type, but it's definitely not mine."

"Why is everyone so hung up on the idea that I like Xavier?"

"I'll answer that for you when you put on some clothes."

"Oh. Right." She clicks her fingers and she is suddenly dressed, wearing clothes far too big for her.

"Let's start with the fact that wherever you go, he follows you around like an eager eyed puppy. Or the fact that his roon is littered with drawings and poems of you. Or even the fact that he is clearly in love with you-"

"What about me?"



"Has no one considered my feelings? What if I don't like Xavier?"

"But how about how you... you..."

"Nothing coming to mind? I don't like him."

"Then who do you like? Tyler? Eugene?"

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