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4 months later...

I lay on the bed working up to energy to get up for work. Its the first of april which means until 12 its April fools day. That means I'm gonna have to spend the day avoiding students tricks and reprimanding them.

I get a cramp in my lower stomach making me sit up "Ow..ow ow..fucking hell!". Ive been having cramping pains for the last two days and they seem to be getting worse. I feel liquid between my legs and I groan. "Tish..I peed myself again..can you pass me a dress into the bathroom?!" I shout into the hall before going into the bathroom feeling slightly embarrassed.

A few minutes later the door opens and tish walks in carrying a ring box and a black dress. She opens the ring box and I grin when I spot my engagement ring and wedding ring "oh tish..thankyou". "I lost them for a while..but I found them when I was getting you this dress out" she tells me sliding them onto my hand and kissing it.

I get up and Morticia helps me put my dress on. I smile as I watch her kissing my neck through the mirror. I feel her hand moving to rest on my bump as she whispers "we will have another one soon.". I roll my eyes at her as I move away making her sigh.

"Ray honey are you ready for school?" I shout down the hall as I step out of the bedroom. I frown when I get no reply. "Ray did you hear me?" I say Walking to her room. I get to the doorway and I spot her stood at her mirror looking at her teeth..her newly grown teeth. "Mama my teeth look like mommy's. Am I a vampire too?" She asks looking at me.

I smile widely at her which disappears when I get another cramp "Ow..fuck..um..yeah..you..ow!". This one seems to go on for longer and hurts more. "Mama are you okay?" Raven asks sitting on her bed and sliding her shoes on. I don't reply I just give her a thumbs up as I walk out of the room.

I lean on the wall in the hallway as I wait for the pain to pass. "Mon cheri is she ready to go?" I hear as the pain goes making me look up. I nod slightly "mhm..our little vampire is ready". "She-..she has-..she got mine?" Tish asks surprised. I nod at her looking pissed off"mhm she didn't get my stupid flower shit".

I'm pinned to the wall behind me by my hips and I feel nails digging into my sides. "Watch your language amour" she whisper shouts at me. I move my hands up to be around her neck and I nod at her with a grin "I'm sorry mommy". Her eyes widen as she looks at me in nothing but lust.

I gasp slightly as her lips roughly press onto mine. My hands play with the back of her hair as her tongue invades my mouth. Her tongue pushes against mine recieving a small moan "fuck mommy".

I hear a scream from behind my wife and I move her head to my neck instead of my mouth. "Ew!" Raven shouts covering her eyes. I laugh slightly which turns into a moan when I feel tish sucking on my neck. "IM GOING TO THE CAR" our daughter shouts running off.

Tish moves away from my neck as a pained groan leaves my mouth "Is everything okay?". I nod slightly struggling to speak because of the cramp. "Are you having contractions my love? Your only 34 weeks" she asks looking worried. I shake my head "these aren't contractions. I'm fine now ill see you at work". Tish nods and follows me down to the front door.

I sigh noticing raven has left her bag "it will be a miracle when she finally remembers this thing.". Morticia laughs and kisses me "I love you Mon cheri". I smirk as I start to walk out and I shout "I love you too mommy!". She gives me a look as I get into my car.

It gets to 10.30 and my first class go for break. The pains have gotten more frequent and hurt alot more. I groan as I start to feel pressure down there. "I just bloody peed an hour ago.." I mutter to myself as I pick up my phone. I go to the bathroom down the hall and I grow more pissed off when I spot an out of order sign on the door.

I decide to just go into the disabled bathroom and I lean against the sink. I get another cramp making me struggle not to scream "FUCK". I feel the need to...push?...and I sit on the floor. Surely those pains weren't contractions. And when did my water break?

After 10 minutes of pushing I manage to catch the baby and I place them on my chest as they cry. "Hi..I just had you..oh..hi" I sob out as I look down at them in shock. I take the cardigan I had on off carefully and I place it over the baby as I reach for my phone.

"Tish" I mutter out as she answers the call "I just had a baby. Like..an actually breathing baby. Oh god..its so tiny.". "Happy April fools day to you too mon cheri" I hear morticia say laughing slightly. "Me calling you Mommy was my April fools joke tish. Just..fucking come to the toilets on my flood..the disabled one because the other wasn't working" I tell her slightly out of breath.

I hang up the phone as I look down at my baby. I rub my thumb over their cheek as I smile still in shock "hey sweetheart. I don't even know what you are..im sorry..you don't have anything at home.". I smile as I spot a streak of black hair at the front of the baby's white hair "Your mommy did her magic again didn't she baby".

I hear banging at the door and I reach up to open it. Morticia rushes in with larissa not far behind her. She freezes In front of me and stares at our baby. Larissa moves past her and places a large towel she brang ontop of us.

Morticia finally breaks out of her transe and crouches down next to me "Oh nyx..you weren't lying. We have another little one". "C..can you tell me what they are..I haven't looked yet" I ask still not believing i actually had the baby. She nods and lifts the towel and cardigan up.

"We have a boy mon cheri!" Morticia grins at me before kissing his head. I smile slightly watching her. I rest my head on her shoulder as she sits next to me. "Ill leave you two alone whilst I call an ambulance" larissa tells us smiling. I nod at her slightly.

"We..have nothing for him. The crib we were gonna use for all of our kids got destroyed and any of the baby clothes from corbyn I'm not using for him" I tell tish. Guilt fills me as I start to think about corbyn. I was set on him being my only son. Maybe this is what I get for cheating on my wife...

I look up at morticia as she shakes me slightly "Mon cheri..were you listening? I was asking what we should name him?". I shrug as I start to feel more nervous "I don't know..he's so small. His hair is so white aswell. I..d..dont think I'm ready for this Tish. Raven will be asking why he looks like rissa constantly and so will students..I just..I cant".

I start trying to lift the baby off me as the paramedics walk in. "No no..keep him on you. He needs your warmth" one says. I shake my head "no I want him off me..He shouldn't be here..he shouldn't have made it..he shouldn't exist anyways!..Get him off me!". Tish is quick to take him from me and wraps him up in a towel. The way she looks at me is either in disgust or hatred. Is she mad at me for pushing him away?

I look towards another paramedic as he tells me "we are just gonna get you on this stretcher and we will take you to our ambulance okay?". I nod and they lift me onto the stretcher. Morticia tries to place the baby in my arms again and I shake my head at her as I'm wheeled out.

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