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The sky of Jericho was filled with clouds as a foggy weather took other. The rain had yet to fall as the students of Nevermore went about their days in a comfortable silence. The only noises beard were those of the crows and the chatter amongst friends.

However that silence was distrusted by a dark rolls Royce pulling up at the gates of Nevermore Academy. A young women stepped out of the car and dragged a briefcase full of clothes out with her. She shouted a handful of four language at the car as it speeds off.

"And that's my sister.." Xavier Thorpe sighed to his friends as he watched the girl storm through the gates and into the entrance of the school. Xavier Thorpe was able to animate his artwork to bring it to life, Whereas his older sister was able to manipulate plants and sprout plants from any surface.

In her past school she used this ability for violence. Infact her ability is why she was forced into attending nevermore with her brother. In her past school she was picked on by those who nevermore students called "normies" and chose to solve those problems through strangling her victims with thorn branches.

Chatter between a black haired woman with a vampire like physique and an incredibly tall blond haired woman was interrupted by the door to principal weems' office being flung open. The stressed and pissed off Thorpe sibling walked over to the spare seat placed next to the one that the vampire woman was sat in.

"Excuse me? There's a knock sign on my door" The tall blond said as the other woman eyed up the girl like a predator looking at its next victim. The girl scoffed "Well I don't give a shit about that...Nyx Thorpe..the better Thorpe sibling..Nice to meet ya".


I hold my hand out to who im assuming is principal weems for her to shake. When she doesnt take up the offer the woman next to me takes my hand. Her cold hand shakes smile as she smiles at me "Miss frump..it is very nice to meet you mon chéri".

Heat builds up inside me at the nickname and I look down at my hands as she lets go. I look up when I hear principal weems say "no" in a harsh tone. "Aww why not" Miss frump whines. "Because..you know what happened last time" Principal weems argues back.

"Can we get onto the topic of me now?" I ask in a snarky tone. "Yes sorry..we at nevermore are ve-" Principal weems starts. "I don't need the whole talk..just give me my time table and show me to my room" I say staring at her. "I can already tell your going to be tricky to handle" She says sighing at me.

"I could handle her..I could handle her very well" Miss frump says as she slides a hand onto my thigh and digs her nails in. She smirks slightly and I swear I could see fangs in her mouth. Principal weems reaches over with a booklet and smacks miss frumps hand "Morticia!".

The dark haired woman laughs and puts her hand back on her own thigh. Im handed the booklet and I look through it briefly. "If you would like to follow me and I will show you your room" Principal weems says and I do as she says.

I spot miss frump walking behind me and I feel her eyes on me the whole time. As we stop at the doorway to my room miss frumps hand lands on my shoulder. My face drops into a look of shock as I stare at the room. Everywhere I look its pink.

"What the fuck if this?..it looks like a fucking unicorn threw up in here!" I shout sounding annoyed. A hand hits the back of my head and I look at miss frump annoyed "language mon chéri..and Xavier said your favorite colour is pink..". "I'm gonna fu-...flipping kill him..he knows I take that colour" I sigh looking at my feet.

"It will have to do ms Thorpe..ill leave you to settle in..I hope you enjoy your time at nevermore" principal weems says before she walks out. I wince as I look at the pink bedsheet. "I will have someone come to change it" I watch as miss frump sits on my bed.

She sits and watches for the next 10 minutes as I try to make my room more me. She gets called to weems' office and she finally leaves. I flop onto my bed. I really need to start working on a plan of how to leave.

My rooms on the top floor. I could manage to climb out of my window and down off the roof..then its just a half an hour walk to the town and I could get someone to take me to the train station.

I put anything important that I need in a backpack I found in a dusty wardrobe and I start my climb at midnight. I manage to get to the gate and I start to climb over the gate. I wince when I slip and a spike on the gate cuts my arm.

I climb back down when I hear a throat being cleared. "Sneaking out already?..I don't think so mon chéri" the shadow says as it gets closer to me. She looks down at my arm and I swear I saw a glint of red flash over her eyes.

She licks her lips slightly then sighs. "Oh what I'd give to taste you.." I hear her whisper before she wraps her hand around the back of my neck. She guides me to principal weems' office and takes me straight in.

I stare at weems who is drinking a glass of wine. "Rissy..Look whos already trying to escape" Miss frump says with a grin. She sits down in the seat she was in earlier today and pulls me onto her lap.

"Morticia..let the poor girl have her own seat" The blond says pointing at the other spare seat. "She does have her own seat Rissy..my lap" i tense up as miss frump starts kissing the back of my neck. I hiss when I move my arm slightly and it starts bleeding more.

Miss frump looks at it then Weems who sighs and nods. My sleeve is pulled up and the dark haired woman freezes when she sees my scars. My arms are coated in scars that are shaped like thorn branches after an incident that took place a few years ago. Luckily I can cover the worst one on my neck and back pretty easily.

"Miss frump i-" I start to try to explain. "Just morticia is fine..now may I clean this up?" She asks and I nod slowly "tell me when to stop mon chéri..". I gasp slightly as she licks the blood up from my cut then starts sucking on it to take the blood out. She hums at the taste of me but it more sounds like a moan.

I look at weems confused. "Morticias..a vampire...like yoko if you've met her..she..enjoys the taste of women like yourself more...moving on...why were you trying to leave ms Thorpe?" Principal weems asks. "I..dont want to be here..my parents made me because xavier enjoys it here..and I went through having...violent tendencies.." I tell her.

I start feeling light headed so I rest my head on morticias shoulder "tish..thats enough". She nods and pulls away. "Well..theres going to have to be a form of punishment Ms Thorpe...im giving you a weeks detention with Miss frump" I sigh as morticia does an excited wiggle.

I bury my head into her shoulder. She smells like strong perfume..its almost..intoxicating. Morticia holds onto my arm and traces over my scars lightly with the tip of her nail.

"Mor-" I hear weems start to say. "I don't care larissa..this isn't like the last time..shes..broken..and unlike fleur she has feelings and won't.. ruin me" Morticia argues back. "Whos fleur?.." I whisper. "No one mon chéri...why don't you go to bed hm?" She says and I nod. I say goodnight to them both then I head upstairs.

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